nightcrow wrote:
I said “Something else” because I’m really not wild about any of them.
Artistically, I like the Copper Mauve, but personally it’s not a color I’d collect, so I felt it would be somewhat dishonest to vote for it knowing that I wouldn’t buy it. (Well, okay, maybe I’d buy the Lap in it…)
With Em-Pea covering the blue/green cool spectrum, Black Gold covering the red/gold hot spectrum (and the dark/black), and Gold covering the yellow/brown spectrum, I think we need the next color to be something totally different. No more warm/gold tones, there’s enough of that.
Personally I’d like to see something really lavender/lilac/violet (with touches of blue/other accents)! We don’t have anything really purple out there, since the Pinks are very pale and pastel and pink.
I’d LOVE to see something that combined the Intense Violet of the IVEP colors with the blue-violet of the regular EPs, though not necessarily even as the base color — something paler, more lavender/lilac, would be really neat, too, and kind of a change from the usually bold Windstone colors. (Blue antiquing might look really awesome with purple…)
Just a thought!
I like that thought! 🙂