Room Fountains

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody Room Fountains

  • This topic has 18 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 18 years ago by Bob.
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    I’m bored at work, so I’ve come up with a question. Have you ever thought about doing a room fountain?
    This isn’t a request. I’m perfectly happy with the assortment of pieces already waiting to be bought. But I’m just curious to see if the thought ever crossed your mind. 🙂



    Do you have pictures of what you mean?


    Is room fountain a Germanism? Umm… I mean one of those little electric fountains that you can set on your desk, or the bigger ones stand on the floor… They have a closed water circulation. Let me see if I can find some pics online.


    Oh, ok. I know what your talking about now. Sorry, not thinking this morning.


    So is the term “room fountain” a Germanism? Or is that the name for it in English too?


      Thanks, SilverArrow. Exactly that.


      I was thinking a huge fountain that would take up the size of the room. Don’t mind me, I am not here.


        I think we call them table fountains here, but room fountain would work too.


          GB you are grounded…..because now I’m picturing a Windstone fountain….and I want one…

          although it would need to be made out of the rock dragon material….but I could see one with a head like the lion sconce…


          must not think about it….


            frozendragon wrote:

            although it would need to be made out of the rock dragon material….but I could see one with a head like the lion sconce…


            must not think about it….

            That would be awesome. My husband would even want that, but for outside in our garden!


            You could just make your own out of the little rock dragon probably.


              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              I’m bored at work, so I’ve come up with a question. Have you ever thought about doing a room fountain?
              This isn’t a request. I’m perfectly happy with the assortment of pieces already waiting to be bought. But I’m just curious to see if the thought ever crossed your mind. 🙂

              Oh yess… we have. When they got very common, we kinda forgot about them, since there were so many companies doing them.I wanted to do the kind with the vapor,and have it coming out of the dragons mouth.Very tasteful.


                I would LOVE a fountain! I collect those too! 😆 I love water. I have 7 ponds outside, most have foutains in them and lots of indoor fountains.

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