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- This topic has 68 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 14 years ago by Kristen.
February 21, 2011 at 1:27 am #838755qrrkat28 wrote:
I didn’t mean to imply anything would be harmful, I’ve worked at a vets office for 10yrs and prior to that worked at a pet store prior to that, was just thinking of what clients have told me they’ve used on there own dogs and it never harmed them, the sticky mouse trap isn’t harmful. I do remember that at pet stores they have these flat pieces of plastic that have little pokie things sticking up that are annoying to step on and those are used for animals going in places you don’t want them to go. My friends dog wouldn’t step on them and problem solved, I do remember a client came in and said it didn’t deter her dog though, so …. I dunno.
kinda like those office plastic maps for rolling chairs? just turned upside down?
i bet that would work better then the air horn idea i had.
February 21, 2011 at 3:16 am #838756grayfire artz wrote:qrrkat28 wrote:I didn’t mean to imply anything would be harmful, I’ve worked at a vets office for 10yrs and prior to that worked at a pet store prior to that, was just thinking of what clients have told me they’ve used on there own dogs and it never harmed them, the sticky mouse trap isn’t harmful. I do remember that at pet stores they have these flat pieces of plastic that have little pokie things sticking up that are annoying to step on and those are used for animals going in places you don’t want them to go. My friends dog wouldn’t step on them and problem solved, I do remember a client came in and said it didn’t deter her dog though, so …. I dunno.
kinda like those office plastic maps for rolling chairs? just turned upside down?
i bet that would work better then the air horn idea i had.
qrrkat, I think you have some great advice! Early today I was thinking of putting thumbtacks into a thick piece of cardboard and putting it on the top step, but that might puncture his feet pretty bad. This is why I asked you guys for advice, I kept racking my brain and couldn’t think of anything that might hurt enough to be annoying but not injure the dog. I’ve stepped on one of those plastic office runners, YOW! That’s EXACTLY what I need, something that hurts pretty bad, but doesn’t do any harm. One of those on the edge of the porch should keep him from coming onto the porch.
Her dog is about the same size as my dog (if not bigger), so I think glue traps are my way to start. I’m pretty sure that if he DOES get his nose stuck in it, he’ll still be able to open his mouth. Every method I have thought about, I look at my doggie first and think “would that hurt HIM?”. I’m going to try several different things, if none of them work then I’ll drop him off at the humane society and tell them that he’s just some dog that’s been roaming the neighborhood for months. I don’t want to do that if I don’t have to-the lady has a teenage son and a little son and I don’t want to take the little boy’s friend away. It’s not the little boy’s fault that his mom is so disrespectful. I just don’t want to have to scrub my porch everyday!February 21, 2011 at 3:22 am #838757Quite honestly I’d let the law work for me. In most parts of the US it’s illegal to let a dog run ‘at large’ — this means letting a dog run without restraint off of the owner’s property with no guidance (such as one would have for active hunting dogs, etc).
You can get live traps for raccoons and the like at many hardware stores, Tractor Supply, feed stores, etc. Won’t harm the little guy at all. Your option would be then to take him to the pound or local shelter. The owner would have to pay a fine each time, and yes in most municipalities it increases.
Also report the dog ‘at large’ to your state police (I imagine it”ll be state/county police if you live in the country like me) and document it however you can, such as with photographs etc.Whatever you do, use care. I would venture that this lady might not hesitate to take things to court if she thinks you did anything wrong..! Which is about the most insulting part, but it could happen.
Do any other neighbors have problems with her?
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My art: featherdust.comFebruary 21, 2011 at 3:53 am #838758There’s an old man (70’s) who lives on the other side of this dirt road. He’s a great old guy and holds a prominent job working for the township we live in (which makes it great to have him at our side in a position like this). On several occasions I have seen her “guests” drive through his yard to take a shortcut to the main road. This is just what I have witnessed, we haven’t gone over to visit him since around Christmas. When spring comes we spend a lot of time talking, so I’ll hear all the details then. He’s a sweetheart…until someone does him wrong, then he doesn’t take crap from anyone. If anyone is going to straighten her out, it’s going to be him! I’m HOPING it’s going to be him, I’m too timid to deal with these kind of situations 😳 Until then, I just want Little Doggie Foo Foo to go away 🙁
February 21, 2011 at 4:15 am #838759Good luck! :hi:
February 21, 2011 at 7:31 pm #838760Gah, some people… 👿
For the speeding, even in rural Alberta where there is rarely a speed limit posted, everyone knows the limit. It’s in the law. I would call your local county police and report her, every time you see her doing so, also mention you are afraid for your kids. Get her license plate and give them that. Get your neighbors to report her too, that way it’s not just one “crazy lady” (tip from an RCMP friend)
For the dog… Report him. Get your neighbors to report him. Here it’s illegal to let a dog run loose (city or country) and rural property owners will shoot stray dogs (we have had problems with feral packs and coyotes)
The garden hose or a spray bottle works well, but you have to catch the **** in the act. Here you can get ‘Goose Sprayers’ they are motion sensitive sprinkler squirt gun things that can be either plug in or battery operated and are found in most garden or hardware stores. You can also get motion sensitive air horns and ultra sonic devices. A line of Cayenne (super hot) pepper powder across the top of your stairs may deter the critter as well. Another solution (if you or hubby are handy people) would be to get some of that orange plastic snow fence (or something similar) and staple one end to the post and the other to a length of two by four and stretch it across the entrance to your porch before you go to bed and it can be easily retracted during the day. My dad built a fence like that to keep his dog on the patio out by the garage so he can be with him while he’s working, and keeps him from roaming the alley.February 21, 2011 at 7:37 pm #838761Hehe…OR every time he comes over, get him to come over to you for you to pet him, and then get him really dirty! Just scrub some good old mud into his fur, while he is enjoying a back scratching. Then, he comes home to his momma, and she has to clean him…and then..do it again, and again-EVERY day! She might just decide that letting him out to get into mud isn’t good for her, and then she might stop. But makes sure the dog likes it (give him a treat or something) so that he comes back to you every day–until she won’t let him out again.
February 21, 2011 at 8:32 pm #838762I’d set up a small video camera outside your house (preferably so you can see where she dumps her garbage, AND where the dog poops). That way, when you do go to authorities, you have PROOF that this is happening on a regular basis. It might catch her speeding car as well.
February 21, 2011 at 10:56 pm #838763Dragon87 wrote:I’d set up a small video camera outside your house (preferably so you can see where she dumps her garbage, AND where the dog poops). That way, when you do go to authorities, you have PROOF that this is happening on a regular basis. It might catch her speeding car as well.
Great idea. The more evidence you can acquire, the better.
Take video of the offending animal doing whatever it’s doing on your property, then approach animal control about it and file a complaint. Also write down dates and times, every time you find dog poo on your property or see the dog running at large. That way there’s a record of how often it’s happening, and if AC comes to investigate your allegations, you’ve got even more evidence to back up your complaint.Do the same thing for the speeding. Write everything down. That way you can prove a history of the irresponsible behavior if anything does happen (like a pet or person getting hit).
Put a live-trap on the porch, then take the dog to animal control when/if caught. Even if it’s wearing tags. A dog at large is a dog at large regardless of size or breed, and if it was damaging MY property I’d be all the more willing to let AC deal with it. Nobody should be letting their dog run at large like that. It’s totally irresponsible.
February 22, 2011 at 5:48 am #838764I’ve been in cities & suburbs my whole life, so I can’t truly understand the situation, but I would say to put up an ornamental gate between your two front support beams. That way, dog can’t get to said porch and you can let your kids (if younger, EVEN BETTER!) out onto your porch without fear of being hit. For speeder, maybe (spike strip! 😳 ) or put up fences after alerting authorities of course. :yes:
February 23, 2011 at 6:26 am #838765Honestly, no sane dog owner would let their pet poop on someone’s front porch. And that’s a pretty weird place for a dog to decide to go. And no, a 3-pound chihuahua can’t knock over a huge bench. Given your description of this lady’s behavior, I suspect it’s a flat out hostile act. Some people are ridiculously hostile for no reason. It’s perfectly clear that you’re dealing with a person not mentally sound.
My advice, from dealing with inexplicably and excessively hostile people, is to NOT retaliate.
Set up a hidden camera on your porch for a week. I’d be surprised that the chihuahua is doing it without ‘encouragement’ from its owner.
Document the garbage she throws. Photos, or video of her doing it.
If she speeds down your street with regularity, try to catch a video of her doing it.
If you and other neighbors have politely requested that she cease the speeding and any other activities that endanger the neighborhood at large, and she hasn’t stopped, then you no longer have to extend the courtesy of asking her. Take the high road, don’t retaliate, gather indisputable evidence of her hostile acts, and report her to the police. They may do nothing. BUT, if she continues the behavior, or does something worse, well then complaints regarding her behavior are already on record. Multiple complaints from multiple parties get difficult to ignore.
Relish your revenge plots….but take the high road 😉 Best of luck.
February 23, 2011 at 3:19 pm #838766I agree with chris.
February 23, 2011 at 4:28 pm #838767Heh… those revenge plots get really tempting though.
When a psycho ex was harassing me, one of the (many)things he was harassing me about was that I had to return some bras and panties he had bought me while we were dating. They were Christmas and Valentine’s Day presents. He stalked me for weeks over three bras and three panties.
He even threatened to go to the police over them. (In hindsight, I should have let him, because that would have been HILARIOUS and maybe given the officers that day a much-needed laugh.)
It’s been almost three years since all that, and I STILL daydream sometimes about supergluing that lingerie to the hood of his beloved royal blue 2009 Corvette. You want it back that bad, you bastard? 👿
It would have made me look pretty bad in court though, when I ended up filing for a restraining order. Hence, the high road. It’s a hard one to take though, when the offending party deserves a taste of their own medicine THAT bad! If all bets were off, I would save all the poop and put it in a box, gift wrap it, and put it on her doorstep. Or set off a Chicken Milk Bomb on her front porch. (Don’t ask. But it’s the worst smell EVER. In history.)
February 24, 2011 at 4:59 am #838768chrisherself wrote:Honestly, no sane dog owner would let their pet poop on someone’s front porch. And that’s a pretty weird place for a dog to decide to go. And no, a 3-pound chihuahua can’t knock over a huge bench. Given your description of this lady’s behavior, I suspect it’s a flat out hostile act.
You’ve got a point there!! I’ve never thought about it, but that tiny little dog has to cross about 6 acres of ground to get to my porch. That’s a long way to go just to take a poo!
eaglefeather831 wrote:Hehe…OR every time he comes over, get him to come over to you for you to pet him, and then get him really dirty! Just scrub some good old mud into his fur, while he is enjoying a back scratching. Then, he comes home to his momma, and she has to clean him…and then..do it again, and again-EVERY day! She might just decide that letting him out to get into mud isn’t good for her, and then she might stop. But makes sure the dog likes it (give him a treat or something) so that he comes back to you every day–until she won’t let him out again.
Heehee, I told my dad about this idea. He said, better yet, put on some rubber gloves, pick up the poo and pet him with THAT! 😆
Slightly off topic: I remember when I was a kid, I overheard my dad telling my mom about one of his coworkers. This coworker was so irritated with his neighbor that late one night he took a medical syringe filled with ACTUAL SKUNK JUICE and injected it into the foam around the neighbor’s car windows. It made his car smell HORRENDOUS and couldn’t be cleaned out (kinda like that episode of Seinfeld with the stinky valet!). From what I heard the neighbor himself would stink to high heaven when he would drive his car and eventually had to get rid of the car because it couldn’t be cleaned out! I wonder what his neighbor did to p*** him off? I’ll have to ask my dad next time I see him!
February 24, 2011 at 12:12 pm #838769You ahh living in hunting land? They have doe/buck urine at hunting stores, pet the little bugger with that! And if you find out its the old lady bringing the presents to your place via the camcorder mix it with some water and fill up a super soaker and spray her ass with it crazy old bag!
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