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- This topic has 68 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 14 years ago by Kristen.
February 20, 2011 at 7:03 pm #838741
I live in a little country town, way out in the middle of nowhere. So far out in the country that my street isn’t even paved. It’s a place where we know all of our neighbors by first name, always wave a friendly “hello!”, and I’ve even borrowed a cup of sugar and some fresh eggs from a neighbor and we all exchange Christmas cards and warm cookies during the holidays. It’s a place where if you need something someone is always there and willing to lend a hand…….
Until 6 months ago. A lady moved into the woods behind my house. I couldn’t tell you her name because she won’t even wave hello in passing. The only time I have ever heard her speak was one day when she was walking her Chihuahua down our street to get her mail. I said, “Hi there! You have a Chihuahua too!! So do we!!”. She said, “Yeah, but mine’s a purebred”. That’s the only time I have heard her speak!!!!! To tell me her dog is better than mine!! Whatever. In the next several months she’s done everything possible to be UNneighborly. She throws her garbage into our yard when she drives past. Every 30 minutes an unfamiliar car FLIES past my house (which REALLY makes me wonder what she does for a living). It’s a one lane, completely BLIND road, so one of these days something tragic is going to happen (God, I hope it’s not to MY family). She drives so fast past our house that I haven’t let my children outside in 6 months. Recently I saw her ALMOST hit her own child with her car, she came within inches of killing her own child. If she cares that much for her own kids, what care would she take around MINE? On several occasions she has parked her car at the end of our road so we can’t get onto the road to get to our own house, she sits there and reads every shred of her mail while she sits there blocking my husband from getting home from work (I think she does that on one PURPOSE). I could write a novel describing all the rotten things she has done to my family and neighbors.Here is my latest complaint: Every morning that PUREBRED sack of **** poops on my front porch, DIRECTLY infront of my front door. EVERYDAY. We have some wooden benches on our porch so for the past week we have been setting one up on its side to block the front steps. It worked!!…….for about a week. That 3 pound piece of **** knocked it over, knocking it own the steps and breaking it………….then left a RIVER OF DIARRHEA IN FRONT OF MY DOOOOOOOR!!!!!!!!! AGH!! I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! What can I do?? Anyone have any suggestions?? I can’t come up with any ideas that aren’t completely evil. I thought about putting it in a box and when the box is full, mailing it to her with a note that says “THIS BELONGS TO YOU!!”. But I think I might get in trouble for putting crap in the mail. I thought about setting out a mousetrap, but I don’t want to hurt or kill the little *******. I just want her to take care of her own **** pets. Anyone know any humane ways to permantly scare a dog away from your house? Having words with people like her is completly pointless and would probably escalate the problems she causes to us and to the old man next door to us (Don’t even get me started on the tricks she’s pulled on him!). I don’t want to start a war, I just want to end this one sided battle.
February 20, 2011 at 7:03 pm #502454February 20, 2011 at 7:18 pm #838742if you see the little bugger scare the crap out of it! chase it out of your yard. get an air horn and use that when ever you see it in your yard. aha and when you see her litter in your yard take photos and start talking with the cops.
February 20, 2011 at 7:36 pm #838743Honestly, I would go right to the authorities. At least here, it’s a state law to pick up after your animal and you will be fined a stupid high price if you don’t (something like 1 grand each time if I’m remembering correctly). If authorities are involved and she gets fined, perhaps she’ll think twice about it next time. And if she doesn’t, contact the authorities again and again.
Pet owners don’t think much about picking up their own animals droppings, but in reality they can contain diseases and other things that can cause health problems. This is even worse since you have kids.As for her reckless driving, that is something that should be brought to the authorities as well. Endangerment to your children and anyone else’s.
If I were you, I wouldn’t care about trying to be “nice” about the problems. I’d go full on. Both issues are potentially very hazardous to you and your family’s health.
February 20, 2011 at 7:38 pm #838744Air horn would work–or a garden hose. 👿 👿
But I would video tape it doing it every day–and then one of these days pick up the dog, call animal control, and have them pick it up. If she disputes that you stole it, or whatever, you have proof that she leaves it untended and wild-which is often illegal.Just video tape EVERYTHING. And report it, with proof. Get her in trouble. She can’t treat people like that.
February 20, 2011 at 7:59 pm #838745Thanks! I wasn’t sure if it was an important enough issue to call the police. Our road doesn’t have a speed limit posted, it’s just a lumpy dirt road, but it’s common sense to drive cautiously! One of these days they may run over their own dog, I’m surprised they haven’t yet.
I’ve only TWICE actually seen the dog leaving me “presents”, and I wouldn’t have gotten to my camera in time. I chased him away with a broom. He seems to leave me most of these gifts sometime around dawn when I’m never awake. I may do a stake-out, since this is a guaranteed daily occurance! My Dad’s advice was to leave cheese on the porch everynight to constipate him 😆 I thought about taking him out to the humane society as a stray, who leaves a chihuahua outdoors in the dead of winter anyway?February 20, 2011 at 8:47 pm #838746You definitely have grounds for calling the police. If nothing else, they can probably cite her for speeding. The other stuff might be something they can do about, too. What a royal witch!
February 20, 2011 at 8:52 pm #838747The above suggestions sound like the right way to go – get proof and do something about this!! You shouldn’t ever be treated this way – no one should!
One thing I wanted to add was that in every city I’ve ever been in, there is a speed limit on roads that blankets the entire community – for example, when I drive into my town I see a sign posted that says “Speed Limit 30 Unless Otherwise Posted” or something along those lines. Just because your particular road doesn’t have a posted speed limit sign doesn’t mean there’s not a speed limit, it just means that your road doesn’t have enough traffic for the city to spend the money to post a sign there.
I really hope you catch that bugger in the act! I had a downstairs neighbor once in Missouri who had just gotten the most adorable little puppy. Well, this lady was living in an apartment with her mom and her newborn baby, and they would go out all the time and leave the puppy outside of their apartment door with a rope around his neck about 3 feet long. The poor baby would whimper and whine constantly, and who could blame him? He was cold and hungry and sitting around in his own poo. Well one day I decided enough was enough. It was the dead of winter and I just couldn’t handle seeing the poor boy like that any more. I knew a friend who worked for the local Humane Society and she came over one night and we took the dog away. I’m sure it was against the law, but what they were doing to the dog was totally inhumane and also probably against the law. I didn’t care, I couldn’t stand that poor fellow being in pain any more. My friend ended up adopting the little guy! Anyway, my point for telling that story was to say that if this lady lets her dog run around unattended like that, in my eyes she deserves to get it taken away. I’m not keen on the laws as far as animals go, and I think they differ for every state, but this seems like something that if it’s not illegal, it should be!
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Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!February 20, 2011 at 8:53 pm #838748Mouse traps work well, the the ones that snap … If you set them upside down and the dog touches it the snapping sound will scare them, they also have mouse traps that have tape (super sticky, years ago my cat stepped on it and it took awhile to get it off) on them and when he walks across it will stick to him and hopefully scare him enough not to go up there anymore. Just a few suggestions 😉
February 20, 2011 at 9:43 pm #838749super sticky mouse traps are a good idea as well as talking to authorities. document everything! we live in farm territory and dogs left loose to run wild are subject to being shot on sight by the property owner especially during lambing and calving seasons or if they start raiding chicken coops… roddy says use a shot gun with a load of rock salt – won’t kill said rat but it’ll sting like crazy and make it think twice about where it should be doing it’s business. un-neighborly-ness is just boorish bad behavior, like bullying and should be handled by the authorities doubly so where young children (yours) or the elderly (your other neighbor) are involved.
February 20, 2011 at 10:19 pm #838750Please, I understand that the dog is driving you crazy but it is only learning for it’s owner. Please don’t do anything to harm it. I do agree that everything should be documented and taken to the authorities but it is not the poor dog’s fault, it just doesn’t know any better.
February 20, 2011 at 10:37 pm #838751I wouldn’t use the sticky rat traps. Chis aren’t much bigger. I’d hate to have it stick it’s nose on it and smother…
I would catch the dog and take it to the pound every chance you get. The fines should go up for each occurance.About the speeding, you need to call the athorities about what you can do.
The parking in front of the drive… Carry a video camera and tape it. Post it to Youtube so the world will hate on her. Find out her email address and send her the link. You’d be surprised at how good this makes you feel! 😀
February 20, 2011 at 10:39 pm #838752Jasmine wrote:Please, I understand that the dog is driving you crazy but it is only learning for it’s owner. Please don’t do anything to harm it. I do agree that everything should be documented and taken to the authorities but it is not the poor dog’s fault, it just doesn’t know any better.
Nah, I don’t want to harm him. I just want to scare him enough to stop coming that close to my house. I’m liking the glueboard idea! Maybe if he gets a couple of those stuck to his feet he’ll avoid coming up. I remember accidentally putting my finger on one, when I finally got it unstuck my finger stuck to EVERYTHING until I got the glue off. That shouldn’t hurt the dog any, just give her a heck of a mess to clean up!
I can always count on you guys for some great advice! 🙂February 20, 2011 at 10:50 pm #838753I’d be concerned that the glue board might hurt the dog, since it is smaller (especially if the dog should lick it). 🙁 May be annoying, but dogs usually learn their behavior from their owners, or from lack of good ownership. You could always trap it in a live trap and give it to animal control (esp. if there is a no kill shelter, the dog might have a chance at a better home. 🙂 Get a small video camera to catch the dog in the act for a couple of days (to document), and set the trap with something very yummy for a dog (like hot dogs or something). Definitely document. If she has a regular schedule that she drops the garbage off in your yard, see if you can video her doing it. Also, if she throws things, like junk mail away in the bags, cops can pretty much tell where the garbage is coming from. Don’t even bother to open the bags. Just report it to the police and file a complaint every time it happens. If it happens enough, she could have civil charges brought up against her. Legal ways of dealing with this neighbor and her dog without causing harm. :yes:
February 21, 2011 at 12:35 am #838754I didn’t mean to imply anything would be harmful, I’ve worked at a vets office for 10yrs and prior to that worked at a pet store prior to that, was just thinking of what clients have told me they’ve used on there own dogs and it never harmed them, the sticky mouse trap isn’t harmful. I do remember that at pet stores they have these flat pieces of plastic that have little pokie things sticking up that are annoying to step on and those are used for animals going in places you don’t want them to go. My friends dog wouldn’t step on them and problem solved, I do remember a client came in and said it didn’t deter her dog though, so …. I dunno.
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