Reveler Februaruy 2010 Raffle Prize pics!

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    Ok, I know I took some pics of him, and said I would get to this a long time ago. But, today when the sun peaked out from the clouds I rushed outside for a new one. This one says it all pretty much, and like I said before I’d own all the Amethyst Dragons if they looked like him! 8)

    It looks like I am out of the Raffles for a long time if not forever now, as I don’t see him moseying off anytime soon. It would have to take one hell of a trade for me to let him go…There might be one out there, but I don’t know…If the time ever came, I would have to think long and hard before I could give this guy up (Yes, even for an SK 😮 ). 😀



      Very nice!!


        Oh, I just love him….beautiful! Congrats again:)


          😮 😮 😮 Boy his he STUNNING!!!!! If you ever need to re-home him, put me at the top of the list

          twindragonsmum 😀



            hmmm…. ponders ways to tempt WSC. 😆


            He looks awesome! The sunlight does him justice!!


            TDM always has the right graphics. 😆


              Yes she does! 😀


              XD *at the drool*
              Yes, she always has something pretty doggone hilarious to fit the thread. 😀
              You know, I bet half the views on here are me coming back to look at the photo. He is alot more purple than blue. I wish they would invent a camera that takes really good purple color pictures. 😈 But he sure is handsome isn’t he? 😀 There is something about the hints of color in small portions that I think actually adds to all the purple. But boy, does he think hes something special! XD I think I actually saw the Curlie stick her tongue out at him, and the Kinglet flipped him the claw…But it could just be an overactive imagination. 😮


              You’re funny. 😆 But it’s true, those hints of different colors make all the difference.


                That is a beauty – congratulations


                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                You’re funny. 😆 But it’s true, those hints of different colors make all the difference.

                I try my best…Whenever I am really feeling cruddy in the emotional department, I try to create funny and interesting things to drag myself out of the muck…Sometimes I am luckier than others. 😈
                You should hear my BEP OW…He still is whining that he has no Fledgie, and the BEP Lap, well she doesn’t want anything to do with him…So much for the “Chic’s dig scars” thing huh? He just wants so badly to be a daddy!!! 😉 I think it is because he sees the Gold, Emerald and Ruby OW with families of their own. 😕
                You think that is bad?!?! How about the flock of Griffins always arguing and jostling about for room…Then ofcourse the wolf and black females are all miffed because there are 2 tan males for the tan female (One needs some TLC, but he came at too good a good price to pass up!)…Sad thing is the wolf Griffins must have much stronger genes as they are the only ones with 2 chicks! 😮
                The Wizards held a meeting of the minds, and decided finally that they would accept the Cat Wizards, and mouse Wizard only because they wore the cloaks and did have magic spirits inside of them (I guess they visited Frozen first! XD ) and that the Frog Prince and Wizard must stay because what Wizard is worth his salt without a Prince to take care of?
                All the while Reveler is sitting idly by watching it all and giggling to himself. Thank goodness the Castles can’t argue…And that my mind isn’t creative enough for that to happen… 😈
                And I am not even going to repeat what I overheard the Curlies saying to eachother on the way to get pics taken! 😳


                  Girlie, you got one hell of an imagination!! I mean that in a good way of course. 😀


                    😮 WC, how can you hear yourself think with all of that racket? The castles are probably muttering about their noisy neighbors…passing it off as “haunting” of course. 😀

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