Red Fire Emperor and 2 Rock Dragons

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      Go here for the Red Fire Emperor I will warn you he is very pricey but they actually have him I think they have 2 of them there. $593.00

      Go here for the Rock dragons. Both are in stock. I seam to recall that someone here was looking for them. Hey I forgot who, hay I am old. An have CRS

      These are there right now I did check 4/24/2011 good luck and happy hunting.



      Thanks for posting the info – that was very nice of you. I hope someone benefits from it.

      Wampus Dragon

        Im pretty sure the emperors are both gone now, because after I ordered one, the stock status changed from ‘available’ to ‘backordered’.

        But they have other red fires too… Beware the ridiculous ‘retired’ premiums they have though.


          Must have gone there too late. No RFs in sight. My hunt continues …. 🙁


            Thanks ddvm everyone here is welcome. Wampus asked me first so she knew a day ahead of time. That’s why she got hers. When, I am bored now that I am retired and its been raining here. Boreinggggggggg. I will just start looking and for some reason I get lucky. I have these already but knew others did not.
            I like to see everybody happy and don’t always want to sell my pieces to make that happen. I know everyone that is a true collector here understands that all to well.

            An as alway’s I am hoping that the almighty one will see this post and what collectors are will to pay for a piece to their collection that they may have missed. To the almighty one you know what I mean here. Right?


            Wampus Dragon

              I just wanted to warn people. DO NOT buy from Imagine That galleries until you ask if something is in stock. I ordered a small rock dragon and it turns out its not in stock and I’m having to argue my way in circles to get a refund from them. A business should not treat a customer that way.


                IMAGINE THAT had a listing on eBay about a year ago for a Windstone.

                They had no picture. The description said that the item was new and had never been taken out of its box. Someone asked for a picture. IMAGINE THAT replied that if they took it out of the box to take a picture, they could not then say it had never been taken out of its box, now could they? Extremely nasty seller, and how bright was it to post that for all potential buyers to see? Needless to say, no one put a single bid on it. If that is an example of their attitude BEFORE a sale, what can you expect after they get your money?

                This comment jogged my memory, so I checked; I had a note next to that company’s name so I would never inadvertently buy from them.


                thanks for the warning wampus, I actually had them on my hunt list so I have been checking them periodicaly for new pieces. If they suck like that though, off of the list they go. Sorry you have to deal with some very crappy customer service.


                  Why on earth wouldn’t they give your money back if you bought something they don’t have and can’t get? Yikes! I’ll definatly stay faaar away from them!


                    Crud. I ordered the rock dragon from them. Never said anything about it being back ordered. Guess I have to start arguing. If they give me a hard time, I guess, I’ll file a pp dispute.

                    Keeper of the Fledgings

                    Wampus Dragon

                      Never said anything about it being back ordered.

                      Yeah they never said anything to me either about it being backordered (a good business would have messaged me immediately about the stock issue and they didnt). I just sent an email to reeeeally make sure they had it, and lo and behold, they didnt.

                      And I’ve been fed a sob story about why they cant refund me right away, yadda yadda, they want to send a money order instead of refund me by paypal(which i dont like AT ALL). And sob stories just REEK of scamming to me.

                      Wampus Dragon

                        Refund obtained. Mentioning a paypal dispute seems to do the trick.


                          They refunded me as well.

                          Keeper of the Fledgings


                            Good for you both . Shady vender . Beware in on line shopping . Yeah if it isn’t available here . Chances are it’s not available elsewhere .

                            Wampus Dragon

                              Good for you both . Shady vender . Beware in on line shopping . Yeah if it isn’t available here . Chances are it’s not available elsewhere .

                              Well THATS not necessarily true. I’ve gotten long retired pieces from vendors before when they’re not in stock here. I just hoped this was one of them. In fact Im picking up a red fire riser from a store today that still has one in stock.

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