Ready for Spring…..

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    I’m here in Georgia enjoying the weather too πŸ˜‰
    I’ve spent many a winter growing up though with weather like the Canadian poem above πŸ˜† Especially in the Upper Peninsula.
    All you vacation seekers are welcome here. I’d love to have the company. Just so you know, my motto is” if your coming to see me your welcome anytime, if your coming to see the house please make an appt!” πŸ˜›


      That’s a good motto, khat! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†


        Romeodanny wrote:

        Speaking of winter here’s a poem:

        Canadian Poem

        It’s winter in Canada
        And the gentle breezes blow
        Seventy miles an hour
        At twenty-five below.

        Oh, how I love Canada
        When the snow’s up to your butt
        You take a breath of winter
        And you nose gets frozen shut.

        Yes, the weather here is wonderful
        So I guess I’ll hang around
        I could never leave Canada

        ‘Cause I’m frozen to the ground!!

        ROFL!!!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

        Love that! …’s a new something I’ve never done before…. Shovel the roof of the house! 😯 Yup; that’s what we’ve been advised to do before the next storm hits….. They’re moving snow here with heavy equipment (road graders and bulldozers) and the city has issued warnings for parents to keep their kids from tunneling into the building high snow piles. Seems the tunnels can collapse and seriously hurt or kill someone 😯

        I really am ready for some warmer weather. Mid 30’s F would be nice! πŸ˜€

        twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



        Jasmine wrote:

        Dragon Master wrote:

        Romeodanny wrote:

        Dragon Master wrote:

        I need a vacation from LIFE like a 20 year vacation

        Oh, can I come too?
        sure as long as you pay your own way

        Make the reservations for three…today life it just kicked me in the face.

        I’ll pay my own way and throw in a free round of drinks each time we go out!? Can I come?!

        Hey Jasmine, was life a blonde? πŸ˜€
        Im so totally just joking with you. I surely dont want to hear that anything has gone wrong in your day. Feel better soon. This blonde supports you πŸ™‚


        lamortefille wrote:

        That’s a good motto, khat! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†

        Thanks. It’s done me a lot of good over the years πŸ˜†


          Love the poem Romeo, I’ll need to borrow that.

          Love you too PT!! Today was just not good. Though I did get my portion of the Traveling Dragon painted.

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