Ready for Spring…..

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      It’s -29 outside and the wind is howling down out of the north making the windchill around -43. I am wrapped up in sweaters and blankets and dreading when I have to venture outside to go to work this evening. And it’s supposed to be like this for the rest of the week. I’m not quite ready for spring, but a little chinook would be nice!


        we actually have sun here!!


          foxfeather wrote:

          It’s -29 outside and the wind is howling down out of the north making the windchill around -43. I am wrapped up in sweaters and blankets and dreading when I have to venture outside to go to work this evening. And it’s supposed to be like this for the rest of the week. I’m not quite ready for spring, but a little chinook would be nice!

          Ditto that!!!! We lost power early last night and it’s just now back on. Kids still had to go to school because we had 3 snow days last week. Wind is still howling at 40 mph and can hardly see through the snow…..




          Jasmine wrote:

          Why does every thread we have move in that direction?? 😆 🙄 😆

          That is the first time I ever went down that road. I guess I dont go into those threads, but does it take that kind of turn often? Had no clue. So you can be sure I havent been among the butt of jokes so to speak! 😆


          Pfft 40 here all this week, WITHOUT the wind chill, which right now has it at a balmy -49c about -56f. The upside 3-5 days of this might kill a good portion of the beetles that are killing the spruce trees in Alberta.


            Very true!


            😥 😥 I miss yesterday!! It was 50 degrees outside yesterday, and now it is 5 degrees out with HOWLING wind and LOTS of snow!!!
            *sniffle* where did the sun go? 🙁


            ruffian wrote:

            Pfft 40 here all this week, WITHOUT the wind chill, which right now has it at a balmy -49c about -56f. The upside 3-5 days of this might kill a good portion of the beetles that are killing the spruce trees in Alberta.

            Oh yes, one reason I won’t move to Alberta. I just love those Alberta Clippers that come through here, it’s the only thing that will make my appartment an icicle no matter how high the heat is.

            The last few days have been really nice here, it’s been over 0 and no wind chill. At the same time though it’s really damp….. But, I can’t complain.


              Okay, everyone who’s cold, hop on the bus and head down here. It’s supposed to be close to 80 degrees by Thursday. (grumble, grumble, I want more winter)


                lamortefille wrote:

                Serenity wrote:

                lamortefille wrote:

                Maybe this is a job for frozen and his spirits! He could be the newest superhero. 😉 😆

                It is “Windy” in Amarillo….


                yeah but that’s not me making it smell like cow poop out there…. 😯


                  Is that why you have such an affinity for poop? Because you hang around with the cows??? 😛 😆


                  starbreeze wrote:

                  Okay, everyone who’s cold, hop on the bus and head down here. It’s supposed to be close to 80 degrees by Thursday. (grumble, grumble, I want more winter)

                  Yep, ditto that. And feel to the skin if you factor in our humidity, would put you in mid 80s… for friggin winter. We’d like to get a break down here. Yes, FL is a nice place to visit but when you HAVE to deal with heat 365, and especially dangerous (really) stifling summers (from late April till early Nov; worst of July & Aug), youd get fed up with it too. At least you know your cold weather will end. The heat in FL rarely quits so the few weeks we get of winter have to last us the entire year. You get 2 seasons in FL- hot and dead hot. Not as much fun as a non-resident might assume.

                  Granted Im a native NYer so Im not saying snow isnt a pain. But I never minded it as much as I do the heat here. If I could afford to move, Id do so in half a heartbeat.


                  ruffian wrote:

                  Pfft 40 here all this week, WITHOUT the wind chill, which right now has it at a balmy -49c about -56f. The upside 3-5 days of this might kill a good portion of the beetles that are killing the spruce trees in Alberta.

                  Umm ya still freaking cold here, the water at work has been frozen all week, BUT because of the cold snap people furnaces take priority over our water 😥 so we can pee at work, if not for the water cooler they couldnt keep us there.


                    😯 Idaho is out and I’m never moving to Canada, either! 😆


                      Here it’s windy and rainy, but not very cold. It’s in the 50s today. Kinda balmy for febuary. 🙂

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