Ready for Spring…..

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      I am SO ready for warmer weather. Today school was cancelled (yes, again 😕 ) but not for snow; it’s because it’s too cold. It’s -25 F and that’s without the windchill factor 😯 The freeway is closed because of high winds….. I think the boys and I will just hibernate. Also waiting to hear if hubby gets to come home from work because of the cold. I almost wish it would snow; at least then it would be warmer 😯

      twindragonsmum 😀





          Well, I can do without -25, but I’d like some cold weather. Cold here is in the 60’s :roll:… send it my way after the weekend though, ne? I’m going to a cherry blossom festival on Saturday and I’m hoping even the rainy junk goes away.


            Would you like that cold boxed, enveloped or bottled? 😆

            twindragonsmum 😀



            Heh, heh, heh! NO spring yet please! FL is still waiting on winter, you cold weather hogs! Come to FL and youll get more than spring, youll get early to mid summer. Not pleased.

            Blow the cold weather this way please and dont tempt Mother Nature to bring on the next season as we skip spring and autumn and basically have Summer all the time, and a couple weeks of cold (in the 50s or 60s only) for winter. STILL, waiting, mah dear Mother Nature 😡

            Us now and usually:

            What most of us want, especially NOW:


              twindragonsmum wrote:

              Would you like that cold boxed, enveloped or bottled? 😆

              twindragonsmum 😀
              Try all three, I’m still testing out the mail system here 😀 😆


                😆 😆 😆 snail mail addy? 😆 😆 😆

                twindragonsmum 😀



                  Brrrr…that’s cold. Yes staying home is a good idea, at least that way everyone is safe and warm. No chances of the car failing and having to walk in the cold. 😯

                  I won’t be ordering snow for here…it’s snowing right now and I have a feeling we will be getting alot of it again.


                  Sigh ^^^ ::insert jealous emote here::


                    Yup, it’s been snowing all morning and it’s still coming down. Since I work from home, I pretty much hibernate for the winter unless I have meetings, which isn’t often (conference calling is wonderful), and then hubby makes me go out on the weekends.


                      I would DIE in -25 degree weather! I’m ready for spring because I sooooo want to go to the fairy festival this year. I’ve missed it the past two years but hubby says we can go this year since he is all healed up. I’m going to make Alyssa a pair of fairy wings to match her mom and we are gonna dance around the may pole(well I’ll dance, she can just go along for the ride)! I can’t wait /giggle


                        Aw, she’ll love so cute. Make sure to take pics. We want to see.


                          PhoenixTears wrote:

                          Sigh ^^^ ::insert jealous emote here::

                          I’m with you PT. We’ve only gotten a few days of so-called winter in our lovely Sunshine State. I’m not ready for the 90 degree weather to come back anytime soon!!! 😕


                            That will be soooo cute, purpledoggy. 😀

                            I’m ready for spring, too. I’m not looking forward to another night of driving in the (possibly freezing) rain. My husband is on his way home and said the Parkway is down to 5-10mph. 🙄 *sigh*


                              You can send the snow to me. WE’ve had Cold, it was -21, windchill -31 when I took the dog out last night, but we’ve had very little snow and lots of chinooks to melt what little we’ve had!

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