Re: Stolen Windstone Annoucement by Chessie

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    wolflodge100 wrote:

    I just hope they don’t throw them away thinking they are worthless. 😡

    They wouldn’t have taken them if they had thought the were worthless. I think there’s a decent chance of getting them back. I just hope they don’t try to paint the Lion Ki- Rin 🙁


      Hi all , I’m sitting in a coffee shop using the “public” computer… But I wanted to take time to say Thanks all for the sympathy. The large Winged wolf master(unfinished), the lion Kirin and a nice finished, painted Poad were what was taken, in addition to Chessie’s sketchbook and about five of my sketchbooks (which were mostly full of copies of art work , not originals). JUST IN CASE any one runs across a poad somewhere, that is the only one out in the world rright now. These were taken in Stockton, Ca.


        skigod377 wrote:

        I will keep an eye out on Ebay. I hope thy find the jerks. I am so sorry. Im glad noone was hurt…Well, Im glad none of you guys were hurt..I hope the crooks slashed their wrists on broken glass and slowly bled out in a deserted alley way while rats gnawed on their limbs.

        Seconded! 👿


          Melody wrote:

          Hi all , I’m sitting in a coffee shop using the “public” computer… But I wanted to take time to say Thanks all for the sympathy. The large Winged wolf master(unfinished), the lion Kirin and a nice finished, painted Poad were what was taken, in addition to Chessie’s sketchbook and about five of my sketchbooks (which were mostly full of copies of art work , not originals). JUST IN CASE any one runs across a poad somewhere, that is the only one out in the world rright now. These were taken in Stockton, Ca.

          THEY TOOK A POAD!!???!??

          How DARE they??? Those are supposed to be for club members only – err…Windstone offices.

          Glad to hear that you’re all okay, though.

          Windstone collector in remission. 😉


            Tyrrlin wrote:

            Melody wrote:

            Hi all , I’m sitting in a coffee shop using the “public” computer… But I wanted to take time to say Thanks all for the sympathy. The large Winged wolf master(unfinished), the lion Kirin and a nice finished, painted Poad were what was taken, in addition to Chessie’s sketchbook and about five of my sketchbooks (which were mostly full of copies of art work , not originals). JUST IN CASE any one runs across a poad somewhere, that is the only one out in the world rright now. These were taken in Stockton, Ca.

            THEY TOOK A POAD!!???!??

            How DARE they??? Those are supposed to be for club members only – err…Windstone offices.

            Glad to hear that you’re all okay, though.

            I second those sentiments…


            Me too…


            Ohhhh man… can you imagine everyone’s reaction if we saw the Poad on eBay? My god… there’d be hell to pay then!

            I’m sure they’ll be recovered. Try to stay positive, and I’ll repeat what everyone else has already said- I’m very glad you’re all okay and no one was hurt. Except the thief. I hope that person gets hurt REAL bad.


            I’m so sorry that happened and I will definitely keep my eye out for those missing items on ebay! :///


              Do you think you guys could contact ebay as well?? If you havn’t already, that might be a good idea…I imagine ebay listings get screened, and if you inform them that there’s a good posibility of stolen goods showing up there, there might be a way they can keep watch for them…Especially since you have pictures and everything.

              "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
              -J R R Tolkien


                Arlla wrote:

                I imagine ebay listings get screened, and if you inform them that there’s a good posibility of stolen goods showing up there, there might be a way they can keep watch for them…Especially since you have pictures and everything.

                No, ebay listings are not screened. Not at ALL. In fact, very often the only way ebay will know if something illegal or against their policies is being sold is if somebody reports it.

                There are some ebay empolyees who go and look for fraudulent auctions and such, but they are very, very, very few compared to the IMMENSE amount of stuff sold on ebay.


                  Also, I did want to ask, do we know what town the theft happened in? If we do, somebody can call all the pawn shops there and have them look for the stolen pieces. (I’d be willing to do so.) I think that’s really the best bet for getting them back.

                  Depends on how smart the crooks are. If they’re really dumb, they’ll not even know that the statues are valuable, and they’ll get thrown away. That’s honestly the worst thing that could happen, as we’ll probably never get them back. (Certainly not in one piece.)

                  If they’re only a little smart they’ll realize they’re worth something, and list them on ebay, where we WILL find them. (I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going to start regularly hunting for “lion unicorn” and any related search I can think of. That’s the one that’ll be easiest to spot.)

                  But if they’re smart enough to realize they’ll be caught doing that, then they’re going to sell them to a pawn shop, where they can get cash and be much harder to track down. This is still bad, but even if we don’t catch the theives, at least this way we can hopefully get the statues back.


                    SPark wrote:

                    (I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going to start regularly hunting for “lion unicorn” and any related search I can think of. That’s the one that’ll be easiest to spot.)

                    Ha ha! I was doing that yesterday! I hold little hope I will actually find it, but hey…I can do my part.


                      SPark wrote:

                      Also, I did want to ask, do we know what town the theft happened in? If we do, somebody can call all the pawn shops there and have them look for the stolen pieces. (I’d be willing to do so.) I think that’s really the best bet for getting them back.

                      Depends on how smart the crooks are. If they’re really dumb, they’ll not even know that the statues are valuable, and they’ll get thrown away. That’s honestly the worst thing that could happen, as we’ll probably never get them back. (Certainly not in one piece.)

                      If they’re only a little smart they’ll realize they’re worth something, and list them on ebay, where we WILL find them. (I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going to start regularly hunting for “lion unicorn” and any related search I can think of. That’s the one that’ll be easiest to spot.)

                      But if they’re smart enough to realize they’ll be caught doing that, then they’re going to sell them to a pawn shop, where they can get cash and be much harder to track down. This is still bad, but even if we don’t catch the theives, at least this way we can hopefully get the statues back.

                      I dunno what I’m allowed to share, I heard about this in a bit more detail and these guys seem like they were pros, probably with a network considering some of the other things they did.

                      Sadly I think there’s little chance that they’ll see any of ther things agian but we’ll keep hope!

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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                      SPark wrote:

                      Also, I did want to ask, do we know what town the theft happened in? If we do, somebody can call all the pawn shops there and have them look for the stolen pieces. (I’d be willing to do so.) I think that’s really the best bet for getting them back.

                      Melody said in her post that it happened in Stockton, CA.


                        Melody wrote:

                        Hi all , I’m sitting in a coffee shop using the “public” computer… But I wanted to take time to say Thanks all for the sympathy. The large Winged wolf master(unfinished), the lion Kirin and a nice finished, painted Poad were what was taken, in addition to Chessie’s sketchbook and about five of my sketchbooks (which were mostly full of copies of art work , not originals). JUST IN CASE any one runs across a poad somewhere, that is the only one out in the world rright now. These were taken in Stockton, Ca.

                        Hi as you all can see I live in Lodi CA I’m in the city just north of Stockton CA. I did not even think about the pawn shop idea. I just moved to Lodi and I’m not sure how many there are but I’m on vacation next week and I will do what i can to try to see if there are any pawn shops around.
                        I would have to say the crooks must have known there is some sort of value to these items otherwise they would not have taken them. Of course I can not make any promises but I will try next week. Even if is shows up at a pawn shop we still will not knwo for sure if the person trying to sell it was the actual crook. I think the most important thing now is to get the stolen items back.

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