"Rare dragon spirits"

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      skigod377 wrote:

      Lokie wrote:

      mimitrek wrote:

      skigod377 wrote:

      Her buyers seem as cooky as she is!

      Hmm….yes…some people buy fairy dust? 😯

      Yes. I have 2 tons of it in my basement. You don’t? However do you get the fairies to come to your portals?

      Eye of newt?
      That is what I put in my brother’s basement because it attracts the bad Fairies 😈


      Well, she changed the picture – probably using that without permission, too. And it seems the “dragon spirits” are pieces of mold that can’t be cleaned out of a very ugly vase.


        All for the low, low price of $150!!! 🙄


        No kidding. I wonder what she thinks she’s doing, selling off her “friends” for such horrendous amounts? It’d be cool to impersonate one of her “spirits” and tell her its not nice to want money to help people; that she should find them good homes for free!:twisted:
        And she takes such awful pictures – probably on purpose to make it look “magical.” She has another auction, a crappy old clock that she wants $700 for! This person should be banned from E-Bay.


          UM…..I found this thread very entertaining…..

          I think I have a dragon spirit in my bum….let me go put it on ebay really quick….. 😆 😆 😆


          Hahahahahah!! Just wait until Ski see that comment!


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Hahahahahah!! Just wait until Ski see that comment!

            I’m looking forward to her comment


              People sell “spirits” and “haunted” stuff on ebay all the time. Just do a search for “haunted” and you get all sorts of whacked-out results.

              There’s this fellow who had a website about how to sell things on ebay, and he did a little demonstration, that proves you can sell anything.

              He sold dirt.

              He got $20 or so for it! Just a jar of dirt from his backyard.


                This is what she wrote when I told her I reportted her:

                Well, Sorry, You Need ONly HAve Said So… I Was Sent That Picture By A Freind A While Ago As It Was Pretty, I Didnt Realise They Even Were Items, The Picture Has Been Changed and I Am Sorry For ANy Misleading INformation You Think YOu May Have Recieved. This Is WHy It Is Good TO Always Make Enquiries, Especially WHen Buying Enchanted Or Inhabited Items, As Many Of The Items Are Represented By Pictures Not Of Items, But Displaying The Image That Closest Shows The Spirit Type, Character Etc.
                My SIncerest Apologies.


                  frozendragon wrote:

                  UM…..I found this thread very entertaining…..

                  I think I have a dragon spirit in my bum….let me go put it on ebay really quick….. 😆 😆 😆

                  Send me a link.


                    Tisk, ebay doesn’t allow selling of body parts. So no selling your enchanted bum.


                      ddvm wrote:

                      I’m just wondering if there is some message in the way she capitilizes the letters. Maybe she’s sending code to friends? Makes it hard to read her stuff. Very annoying.

                      I think its just the first of every word, and the occasional second. She should go back to grammar school.


                        We should tell her that the rainbow dragons have retired, so they have probably already moved to their retirement villa and no longer inhabit that vase. They could always send her their social security checks. 8)


                        Good idea, Silver! Except that would probably get her started on worse psychic spiritual fae babble than the stuff about the vase…


                          SPark wrote:

                          Tisk, ebay doesn’t allow selling of body parts. So no selling your enchanted bum.

                          well if I play by the ladies rules….I can just put a picture of my bum up…..and sell the spirit…which would actually be nothing….

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