"Rare dragon spirits"

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    “Pics to be places shortly” and the auction ends in about a day. What a crackpot.


      Yeeaah, she’s loony…. O.o

      Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
      Follow for updates: twitter.com/cmooreauthor
      Website: courtneymooreauthor.com


        This is what I got: Blessings Dear, This Is A STatue That Is Dwelt By 4 Rainbow Dragon SPirits, 1 Item, Pics Will BE LIsted When My Cam Is Charged:)


          skigod377 wrote:

          This is what I got: Blessings Dear, This Is A STatue That Is Dwelt By 4 Rainbow Dragon SPirits, 1 Item, Pics Will BE LIsted When My Cam Is Charged:)

          …..*cracks up laughing* Ugh, that is sooo bad. loL!

          Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
          Follow for updates: twitter.com/cmooreauthor
          Website: courtneymooreauthor.com


            I want to just write her back and tell her that her auction is misleading and I reported her and will be watching all her auctions and report every one of them if she keeps it up.



              I read the auction like three times thinking the item for sale was the picture which supposedly was the “home” to her Windstone dragons. Now it is an item we haven’t even seen yet and isn’t pictured in the auction!

              I really hope she is daft and not trying to scam people out of there money 😡


                I’ve reported her to Ebay as selling non-existant items. I didn’t know what else to call it. There’s categories they make you chose from.

                Hopefully, Ebay will find out the truth of this person and get it all corrected.


                  emerald212 wrote:

                  I’ve reported her to Ebay as selling non-existant items. I didn’t know what else to call it. There’s categories they make you chose from.

                  Hopefully, Ebay will find out the truth of this person and get it all corrected. It’s kind of sad, really, to think that there’s somebody out there like this, and the people may actually buy her things. Sad.

                  Have you read her feedback?

                  Lol! I’m at work right now and I went to check out this ladies feedback. You should see what else she sells…. faeries and genies…. O.o Me and another employee are checking them out. It’s sooo funny!

                  Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
                  Follow for updates: twitter.com/cmooreauthor
                  Website: courtneymooreauthor.com


                    Her buyers seem as cooky as she is!


                    Hmm….yes…some people would actually buy “fairy dust”? 😯


                      mimitrek wrote:

                      skigod377 wrote:

                      Her buyers seem as cooky as she is!

                      Hmm….yes…some people buy fairy dust? 😯

                      Yes. I have 2 tons of it in my basement. You don’t? However do you get the fairies to come to your portals?


                        Lokie wrote:

                        mimitrek wrote:

                        skigod377 wrote:

                        Her buyers seem as cooky as she is!

                        Hmm….yes…some people buy fairy dust? 😯

                        Yes. I have 2 tons of it in my basement. You don’t? However do you get the fairies to come to your portals?

                        Eye of newt?


                        Dee-Dee-Dee 🙄


                        I’m just wondering if there is some message in the way she capitilizes the letters. Maybe she’s sending code to friends? Makes it hard to read her stuff. Very annoying.


                          I wonder if she has permission to use the images like that? I’m sure they’re copyrighted.

                          Windstone collector in remission. 😉

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