
Rab wont eat. Updated P 9. Its Over:( Pics on P 11

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    I know some will disagree with me, but, at the end of it all. Give him what he’ll eat. It’s better that he eats, than to not eat.

    I went through the same thing (well, not liver) with a cat and a dog. At the end of it all we gave them anything that they would eat. (Not that it helped….)

    I truly feel so awful for you right now. You are in my prayers.


    skigod377 wrote:

    mimitrek wrote:

    This latest development though — are you saying that there’s no way that they can verify whether its the gall bladder without doing exploratory surgery which will cost 2K?

    Thats what she said, since they couldnt see the gall bladder during the ultra sound. I remember her saying she checked/squeezed his stomach, though, and he didnt appear to be in pain. Both symptoms of a ruptured gall bladder, from what she said. I dont know what caused the change of heart… The gall bladder suggestion came from the lady on the big island over the phone. Maybe the vet didnt remember that she checked his stomach. I dont know… The big island lady wont be back till the 6th so the biopsy via the needle is out. Only option is the exploratory surgery or put him down. I kinda wish he would just pass peacefully in his sleep, but then he is gone and I cant help him… though fat lot of good im doing now. Im sure he feels different. Tonight he had ham, pumpkin bread, and chicken treats for dinner. He has never had food that tasted so good. Some of ya’ll may cring at what im feeding him, but it feels so much better than just watching him starve. I think starvation would kill him before his liver or gall bladder does.

    Hmm…it doesn’t sound like its the gall bladder then. I can imagine how you feel…it must be terribly stressful. I think you’re definitely doing the right thing to just let him eat whatever he’s willing to.


      If I was a dog, I’d be in doggy heaven with that food! I’d rather see him eat something for the little time he may have than starve to death (obviously not chocolate or grapes or stuff that will harm, but tasty things like chicken and hotdogs and stuff).



        How is Rab? Haven’t heard anything for a few days…and was still worried about him. 🙂


          purplecat wrote:

          How is Rab? Haven’t heard anything for a few days…and was still worried about him. 🙂

          We just keep spoiling him with people food. He still eats the doggy chicken treats, too, so thats something. Right now his stomach is slowly filling with fluid because of his failing liver. The vet said we could have it drained to buy him some time but it was just delaying the inevitable. He is looking skinnier again, but can still get around just fine and his bodily functions still work. He drinks ALOT of water. Im glad he made it thru Christmas. Maybe he will make it into the new year, too. We will take him to the vet on post and have him put down and creamated when its time. I was hoping he would pass naturally w/o suffering… there is a saying in the Army that a leader will not make a Soldier do anything they would not do themselves, so it seems wrong to put Rab down since I sure as heck wouldnt do that to myself. Silly, I know, with him fading away anyway. Thank you for inquiring. Hopefully he still has some happy days ahead of him. 🙂




              I agree with you on your feelings on putting him down…I’d have to make the judgment based on what I would do or want…and how much suffering was being endured. I’m glad he’s getting to spend more time with his family, and is getting to enjoy lots of yummies in the meantime. I just wanted to check in on how he was, the poor pup. Take care and give him a hug from me too.


              Very sorry to hear of what’s going on with Rab. 🙁 New Year’s Eve is the anniversary of my having to put my Sheltie Holly down, so I hope he makes it past the holidays, and you don’t have that memory on that day.

              It’s such a hard choice to make, and I so wish my dog had died in her sleep some night and spared me that last trip to the vet, but for her sake, I couldn’t let it drag out any longer.

              You have my heartfelt sympathies, and I’m guessing whatever choice you make might feel like the wrong one, at least at first. Remember you’re doing your best for Rab, and he knows he is loved.


              Ski, I’m so sorry! *hugs* You and your pooch are in my thoughts!


                Thank you guys. Its nice to have you all to talk to about it, esp since many of you have been thru this and feel more for animals that alot of people out there. Rab doesnt seem to be suffering, so I will keep him with us and try to make him as happy as possible until he does.


                  Thanks for updating us Ski. *hugs* If he doesn’t pass naturally, he’ll let you know when it’s time. Glad he has made it through the holiday and will hopefully make it through to the new year as well.

                  *He’s probably enjoying every minute of it with all the yummy food and attention 8)*


                    It’s good to hear he’s still hanging in there. Keep us updated, and let us know if you need anything.


                      *hugs* I hope the rest of his time is peaceful, and he doesnt suffer at all, keep us posted hon.


                      I’m glad to hear Rab is still around and seems to be doing all right under the circumstances.
                      Don’t forget to send me the photo when you get a chance. 😉


                      I haven’t said anything on here for awhile, but it seems that, for the circumstances, Rab is doing alright.

                      I saw my parent’s dog, Pixie, over Christmas and she’s fading too, it seems… so I feel for you *hugs* I won’t go into detail though, don’t wanna theft the thread.

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