
Question about foo puppies

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      I’d love two, but would be happy with one.


      Well, it really depends on how I feel about painting the pro’s after my first two. For all I know I may be horrifically bad at it! XD But the small size, and presumably smaller price, of the foo puppies is a heck of a lot less intimidating to a novice like myself. I wouldn’t mind buying one or two to try things out on.


        1 probably . Maybe another later .


          I would want 4 the day they came out lol my Mom wants me to paint 2 for her, and I want 2 for myself 🙂


            I’d love to be able to get at least two when they come out. I have many ideas, and they’ll be small and quick to paint. I’d also love to do a little foo puppy exchange once enough of them come out. I will probably have a small army when I’m done. The foo dogs are a dream come true.


              I would like to start with at least two, but would be happier with about 4 =)


                If there was no limit, I’d buy three to start with. They are uber adorable 🙂


                  I’d love to be able to get at least two when they come out. I have many ideas, and they’ll be small and quick to paint. I’d also love to do a little foo puppy exchange once enough of them come out. I will probably have a small army when I’m done. The foo dogs are a dream come true.

                  OH! an exchange is an awesome idea with them, since they’re so small 🙂 and as I found out today… if I switched w you, it wouldn’t take much XD haha, just go w my bf to visit his dad and drop it off! XD hehe


                  Well there you have it Melody, 22 replies, average response is 2 foo puppies, so you have 44 foo puppies wanted, add in mine & that brings it up to 46, so it looks like you need 50 foo puppies asap. LOL!

                  If you add them all up, likely it is closer to 75, but 50 is a good place to start. These are gonna be fun!



                    I’ll probably go for at least one.


                      I would like a couple to have a friend of mine paint for me 😀


                      I’ll want one just to start with and see how I like him 🙂


                      two. Just because one pup would be lonely.


                        I was planning on having 3 pups and a set of parents

                        Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                          I would like to get two of them. They are so cute!

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