PYOs on Instagram!

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      In the interest of getting the work of all the amazing painters of Windstone PYO sculptures out into the world and appreciated by as many people as possible, we are encouraging everyone to post their photos to Instagram.

      Post photos of your paint-your-own sculptures on Instagram with hashtag #WindstonePYO. Then follow #WindstonePYO to see what your fellow creative folks are doing. Each month, the most-liked posts will be featured as our PYO of the Month, so use whatever hashtags will get your photos seen and liked by lots of people. Suggestions: #paintyourown #pyop #paintyourownpottery

      Also, we will be posting images of some of our favorite PYOs from the past, so DM or email us if you’d like us to include photos of your work from our website. We will not post any PYO images from our website without express consent from the artist.


        What a wonderful idea.Thank you!Guess I need to open an account.

        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
        Male day🤞Dream on.


          How fun!  Maybe I will actually use the Instagram account I created 😬


            Is there a point to an Instagram account if you don’t have a smart phone?  Some serious opinions please.

            Also…maybe this is a stupid question, but what does DM stand for?  Direct message?  Is that the same as Private message?


              You pretty much need a windows/smart phone to post anything on instagram. I live in a rural deadzone so only own a cheap generic windows phone and depend mostly on desktop.


                I don’t use Instagram myself but could we post them here?

                Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                  I love it!  Gotta update my gallery 🙂

                  Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                  Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                    Fun idea! I’ll have to make more of an effort to post PYO pics!

                    *Formerly meowmix101
                    Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                      Is there a point to an Instagram account if you don’t have a smart phone? Some serious opinions please.

                      Also…maybe this is a stupid question, but what does DM stand for? Direct message? Is that the same as Private message?

                      Yes, as Garwolf mentioned, you need a smart phone to post images on Instagram. However, you can browse posts on Instagram from a computer.


                        Is there a point to an Instagram account if you don’t have a smart phone? Some serious opinions please.

                        Also…maybe this is a stupid question, but what does DM stand for? Direct message? Is that the same as Private message?

                        Yes, DM stand for Direct Message. It’s the messaging system that’s built into the Instagram app. But of course you can always contact us by email.


                          I don’t use Instagram myself but could we post them here?

                          You can post them in the PYO Galleries. Just go to your “My Account” area (link at top of page) and you can create galleries there to be included in the PYO gallery.

                          But Instagram is a free app, and pretty fun, so you might want to give it a try.


                            Can anyone explain what instagram is in much better detail.

                            I try very hard to not add a bunch of apps to my phone and I refuse to even use Facebook, basically because I was worried about things like what has happened with FB recently and everyones information getting hijacked.

                            Is this possible with instagram? Do you end up getting a lot of spam type messages? Is it a chat app or just for photos?

                            Thank you for any information!

                            Looking for:
                            "COSMIC SHIFT DRAGONS and KI-RINS" and the "OCTOPUS TANUKI TEST PAINT #1"


                              Can anyone explain what instagram is in much better detail.

                              I try very hard to not add a bunch of apps to my phone and I refuse to even use Facebook, basically because I was worried about things like what has happened with FB recently and everyones information getting hijacked.

                              Is this possible with instagram? Do you end up getting a lot of spam type messages? Is it a chat app or just for photos?

                              Thank you for any information!

                              Instagram is a visually-oriented social media platform. If you have an account, you can browse posts on a computer at, but you have to use the phone app to post anything. Posts consist of an image (photo) and whatever caption you include, if any. That’s it—it’s a very simple app. Then other users can “like” your posts and/or comment on them.

                              Your feed (a chronological display of posts) is populated by photos uploaded by other users whom you “follow” and by photos whose captions include any hashtags that you follow. Personally, I’ve never gotten a spam message on Instagram, but I can’t say for sure that it never happens.

                              As for putting personal data at risk…There isn’t nearly as much data to be gleaned from an instagram account as there is from a Facebook account. The only info that could potentially be harvested would be:

                              1. email address
                              2. whatever you include in your user profile (if anything)
                              3. whatever captions you include with your posts
                              4. which posts you “like”
                              5. the comments you make on other users’ posts
                              6. what terms you search for

                              I think that’s about it. And honestly that’s a very small drop in the bucket compared to what Google is collecting about you constantly. So I don’t think there’s much of a security risk, but it’s worth noting that Instagram is owned by Facebook.


                                Thank you Clay for all the information!

                                I will look into getting an account for my PYO’s now that I better understand what the app does and is meant to do.

                                Looking for:
                                "COSMIC SHIFT DRAGONS and KI-RINS" and the "OCTOPUS TANUKI TEST PAINT #1"


                                  Thanks to all of you who have already emailed, granting us permission to post photos from your PYO galleries to Instagram. We will start doing that soon, in the order that we receive(d) permission from you. You can also grant that permission via this forum thread if you prefer.

                                  When contacting us for this purpose, please include your full name (which all of you have done so far) and your Instagram username (if you have an account) so that we can properly credit you for your images.


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