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  • #596800

      I got *real* lucky and managed to snag the Rainbow Lap and Rainbow Rising Spectral I was hoping for! Would like an OW though.. maybe once some of my own stuff has sold. Other than that, just the couple candle lamps:
      Ivory Inner Light Dragon Candle Lamp
      Painted Trio Dragon Candle Lamp

      And the PYO Keeper and PYO Dragon that I can paint in my bedroom palette! (Greens, pinks, creams, and gold highlights, with blue eyes and crystals!)


        Beagle spotted griffie chicks… I missed ’em both times and promised me boyohs I’d get ’em as soon as they hit the store again… (anyone want to whiney 14 year olds? I’ll gladly trade ’em for spotted griffie chicks…)




          emerald212 wrote:

          This is my current wish list:

          Silver Jade Coiled Mother Dragon
          Other LE Coiled Mother Dragons
          Mystery Castle
          Large Tabby Flapcat
          Large Open-Eyed Orange Tabby Flapcat
          Rainbow Curlie Dragon



          It is very kind of you to do this. I am looking for a baby pegasus and not too expensive. A used one, undamaged, would do nicely. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of everyone here.


            I realized that I hadn’t updated my wish list in quite a while. The pieces I’m looking for are:

            Young Oriental Dragon (Light Peacock)
            Sea Jewel (Pearl Tea)
            Male Ki-Rin
            Mother Unicorn (Slate Grulla)
            Young Unicorn (Silver Grulla)
            Grand Unicorn (Silver Grulla)
            Bird Winged Flap Cat (Siamese) ~ to be a gift for my sister-in-law
            Large Bird Winged Flap Cat (Siamese) ~ to be a gift for my sister-in-law

            I’d prefer the pieces have as few chips as possible. Minor rubs are okay. I know the new Birman flap cats look almost identical to the Siamese, but my sister-in-law likes the color on the Siamese wings better.


              That is very kind of you and thank you. I will keep my eyes out for things as well….
              wish list:
              Rainbow dragons : Lap, OW, Hatching Emperor/Empress,
              Red Fire Young, Fledgling, Lap, Mother, OW
              Secret Keeper: Rainbow, Any (Dreamin’ 🙂
              Poads, Curlies

              Thanks!!! 😀


              This is so nice of people to do :yes: .
              Im looking for the male Krin and any dragon that is red in color ^^. Thank you very much 🙂

              edit: actually probably any dragon or griffin (for my Dad, only presents he seems to like v.v).


                I’m grateful to have found several of the pieces I’d been looking for! Now I’m down to these:

                Rainbow Fledgling (to complete my little rainbow family)
                Dragon Trio Candle Lamp (painted in the “cool” colors)
                PYO Keeper Dragon (with lavender eyes, unless the metallic teal are available!)

                All in undamaged condition, at reasonable prices. Thanks everyone! :hi:


                  ellendsisco wrote:

                  It is very kind of you to do this. I am looking for a baby pegasus and not too expensive. A used one, undamaged, would do nicely. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of everyone here.

                  I might have found a few options on the forum. Pixie-dust is selling one for $50 currently and mmloda had one for sale (might want to double check that she’s still selling it) but she didn’t include a price. Hope this helps!


                    I think this is a great idea!

                    I’m currently looking for:

                    red fire or brown fledgling
                    black gold mother coiled (w/ egg)

                    The real “wishful” part of this wish list is that I can afford the prices XD


                      swoltanski30 wrote:

                      That is very kind of you and thank you. I will keep my eyes out for things as well….
                      wish list: Rainbow dragons : Spectral, Lap, OW, Hatching Emperor/Empress,
                      Silver : Any
                      Emerald: Any
                      Secret Keeper: Rainbow, Any (Dreamin’ 🙂 )

                      Thanks!!! 😀

                      There are a few reasonably priced emerald pieces on ebay currently. Here is the web address.


                      Hope this helps! :hi:


                        pegasi1978 wrote:

                        I realized that I hadn’t updated my wish list in quite a while. The pieces I’m looking for are:

                        Young Oriental Dragon (Light Peacock)
                        Sea Jewel (Pearl Tea)
                        Male Ki-Rin
                        Mother Unicorn (Slate Grulla)
                        Young Unicorn (Silver Grulla)
                        Grand Unicorn (Silver Grulla)
                        Bird Winged Flap Cat (Siamese) ~ to be a gift for my sister-in-law
                        Large Bird Winged Flap Cat (Siamese) ~ to be a gift for my sister-in-law

                        I’d prefer the pieces have as few chips as possible. Minor rubs are okay. I know the new Birman flap cats look almost identical to the Siamese, but my sister-in-law likes the color on the Siamese wings better.

                        You’re in luck! There is at least one siamese flap cat on ebay that ends in 4 days. It’s in excellent condition– just see if you like the price.


                        Hope this helps! :hi:


                          I think Pegasi is looking for the large siamese flap cat 🙂


                            *Pink Lap
                            *Lavender Pearl Curlie
                            *Emerald Fledgling
                            *Amethyst OW
                            *Silver Male

                            *Crouching Griffin Chick black/peacock
                            *Pearl Male Griffin


                              naroo11 wrote:

                              Wish List :

                              Gothic Unicorn
                              Poad™s (one w/orange or blue eyes)
                              Coiled Mother w/gold egg – black gold, white, jade, emerald peacock,
                              Wizard Mouse (okay I wouldn’t say any color…keeping an eye out…I like the emerald)
                              Wizard Frog
                              Cats Cradle (colored or stone)
                              Sun Dragon (reasonable Price, Mint)
                              PYO Kirin w/artist of choice
                              Spotty Griffin Crouching Chick
                              Fledge Dragon (Violet flame, Rainbow, emerald, emerald peacock, Gold, White…or a prototype color)
                              OW Dragon or Prototype OW (I like the blue flame up on ebay now, Autumn, White, Red Fire, Emerald)
                              Emperor Hatching Dragon – Rainbow
                              Empress Hatching Dragon – White, Emerald
                              Kinglet Hatching Dragon – Rainbow, Emerald, White
                              Male Dragon – Red Fire
                              Secret Keeper Dragon (I consider him the ultimate, defiently want one someday… CINNAMON GOLD or the Autumn leaf is my fav so far.)
                              Guinea Pig
                              Baby Black pegasus
                              Baby Black unicorn
                              White hatching pegasus

                              Hey Poems is currently selling a white hatching pegasus for $75. Hope this helps! :hi:

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