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  • #596710

    I’d like to add a Male Ki Rin to my list.


      Megani-chan wrote:

      Please add to my wish list… one happy and healthy PT, back on the forum and ready to have fun with the rest of us hooligans! πŸ˜‰ Hope to see you soon, PT!



        +1 !! πŸ˜€


          Anybody have any new of PT?


            She sent me a security email the other day (the 24th) about keeping your car keys with the alarms close to your bed for an alarm in case anything happens. But no response to my response telling her we missed her.


            Youre all so sweet for caring. <3

            Im pretty positive I wont be back here for good for reasons some of you know by now. Anyone that wants to keep in touch, can do so by emailing me (there should be a link below near the PM, etc… but dont PM cause like I said, Im not here).

            I only come here now and then to check this particular thread. Just because I cant enjoy the board I use to, doesnt mean I would abandon my responsibility, one I enjoy, of keeping up with your Wish Lists.

            Your lists are current and I continue to keep an eye out for your pieces. If I find something and you dont have an email link and I dont have your email in my own addy book, ONLY then will I go to PM to alert you.

            Hope everyone is well. Bye guys… well, from else where but this thread.

            ps: I wont talk about my reasons for departure here because it would ruin the thread and be off topic and since several of my threads had been shut down or spanked in previous months, I dont want this one to be another foolish casualty.


            I am really looking for a Windstone Hatchling Kinglet in Peacock. Lost one on e-bay by $5.00.
            Thank you


            I would really like all of the large flapcats. I have the black one, but would like all the rest.


              I’m looking for a Mother coiled in the peacock color.


                Still looking (and hoping) for a Peacock Kinglet


                  I got a White Coiled Mother Dragon. That can be taken off my list.

                  Now I have a complete Black Gold Curled/Coiled family and a complete White Curled/Coiled family. I still need a Brown Coiled Male (which still needs to be made) and a Curled Peacock Dragon (which still needs to be made too) to finish those two families. My Jade Coiled Male needs a Mother and Curled (Mel-ody! πŸ™‚ ). And I need both of the Coiled Emerald pieces yet. I would take a Silver Jade Coiled Mother too. πŸ˜€


                  Thats great that you got the White Coiled mama! Very happy for you on such a sought after elusive piece πŸ™‚

                  I may not be here much, but I promise you all that I am keeping a hard copy of your wishes on my desk in my office and am keeping track of completed and NEW wishes. I check only this thread twice a day.

                  Welcome to the new comers!


                    Thank you very much PhoenixTears.


                      Well, I thought I’d toss my Wishlist in. I’ll list it in sections to make it a little more accessible.

                      Budget: Paltry, especially now. Depending on various factors, I may need to pass up even excellent deals on pieces I like very much. And my shelf space is running low. So please, please please, I don’t want anyone scrambling for me. But if you incidentally see something, think ‘Oh yeah, that odd person on the forum was looking for that’ or are selling something on this list and have time, than that’s totally cool and welcome. πŸ˜€

                      Windstone Condition: I like mint critters with tag and box, but will take non-mint or even beaten up critters if the damage is clearly described and the price fairly reflects it. But for larger items (warrior, emperor, scratcher etc) I’ll need either the box with insert, or to know that the seller is an absolutely incredible packer.

                      High Priority Items: (Critters I really like but can wait for the right one)

                      Gargolingus (Deep blue/purple hatching critter sticking his tongue out)

                      Big Rock Dragon

                      Little Rock Dragon

                      Medium Priority Items: (Critters I am eyeing but am willing to wait for)

                      Peacock Old Warrior Prototype or other OW Prototype (I can dream, right? πŸ˜† )

                      Black Sunset Male Griffin

                      Black Sunset sitting Griffin Chick

                      Hatching Emperor, Peacock

                      Hatching Kinglet, Peacock

                      Low Priority Items: (I like all of these, but this is mostly a footnote for possible swap possibilities in the vague future. )

                      Lap Dragon, Silver or Rainbow

                      Grand Unicorn (white)

                      Baby Pegasus (white and lying down, necklace or not)

                      Gothic Unicorn (white lying down Goat-like critter like in the old tapestries)

                      Wolf Council Candlelamp (Stone finish Wolves looking at a candle)

                      Dinosaurs in general

                      Random stuff in general.

                      Many thanks. πŸ˜€

                      6/6/09 Added and deleted some stuff.


                      MY wish list is pretty short, but almost impossible to find…unless Ms Pena can be persuaded to do them again….

                      Black Unicorns
                      Black/Peacock Griffons
                      Red Oriental Dragon
                      Silver/Blue-Eyed Dragons
                      Black/Peacock Pegasai

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