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      mmloda wrote:

      This is my updated Wish List…..(That I can probably afford to get over the next few months)
      1. Black Female Unicorn
      2. Black Baby Unicorn
      3. Mint Peacock Old Worrior
      4. Animal Collection Tiger #304
      5. Emerald Peacock Curlie
      6. Brown Curlie
      7. Old Green Fledging
      8. Old Green Curlie
      and Of Course…..
      9. Old Green Emperor
      10. Brown Emperor

      πŸ˜€ I could keep on going with my wish list but I don’t want to take up the WHOLE PAGE…LOL πŸ˜†

      Ok so from this list I HAVE the following…..
      1.Emerald Peacock Curlie
      2.Old Green Curlie



        mmloda wrote:

        so I have PM’ed PT with the pieces that I was able to get from my wish list….and this is some of the piece which I have rescently decided on getting and adding to my wish list… πŸ˜€

        1. Brown Fledgie
        2. Brown Scratcher
        3. Brown Hatching Kinglet
        4. Brown Hatching Empress
        5. EP Emperor
        6. EP Fledgie
        7. Gold Emperor
        8. Rainbow Emperor
        9. EP Scratcher
        10.Wolf Colored Griffin Family
        11.Hippogriff Candlelamp
        12 Little Rock Dragon
        13.Ruby Emperor
        14.Brown Coiled Mother

        Ok that’s all for now I guess…but I know that some of these are still available in the Windstone store so I will be able to pick them up there. πŸ˜†

        And from this list I HAVE the following…..
        1.Female Griffin-Wolf Colored
        2.Male Griffin-Wolf Colored
        3.EP Emperor
        4.Brown Scratcher



          mmloda wrote:

          Ok I know this is a long shot but I would really love to get the OLD GREEN EMPEROR…

          Oh and here is the rest of my wish list..
          Astral Griffing Family
          Peacock Old Worrior
          Autumn Leaf old Worrior
          Autumn Leaf Secret Keeper
          Peacock Kinglet Dragon
          Peacock Hatching Empress
          Labradorite Griffin Family
          Blue Peacock Scratching Dragon ( I’ve seen pics of him and he is blue and purple with no green)
          Black Mother Unicorn
          Black baby Unicorn
          Animal Collection Tiger #304
          Animal Collection Pig #204
          Peacock Orientals (all three)
          Male Ki rin
          Black Griffin
          Brown Curled Dragon

          Ok so my wish list is longer than this but the ones that i’ve listed are the ones I want the most πŸ˜†

          From this list I Have the following….
          1. Brown Curlie
          2. Male Ki Rin
          3. Flion
          4. Black Griffin
          5. Peacock Hatching Empress



            Thank you PT for keeping this listed updated fro everyone…..

            I would also like to add the following to my list….

            Red Fire Emperor
            Red Fire Scratcher
            Red Fire Fledgling
            Red Fire Curlie
            Red Fire OW
            Old Green Scratcher…( If Melody ever decides to make them)
            Black Grand Unicorn
            White Grand Unicorn
            Tiger Poad

            Thanks again PT…. πŸ˜€



            No problem- just got carpel tunnel from updating your list is all j/k πŸ˜€ You dont want much! Hee hee! Did you check Rusti’s thread in Flea? She has Pea orientals for sale. I think you may have posted in there but thought Id mention it anyway.


              OK, I’ll finally post my wish list…

              Special/Limited Production pieces:
              White Male Griffin (blue eyed or albino)
              White OW
              Gold Lap
              Brown Fledge
              Gold Fledge
              Old Green Fledge
              Wolf Griffin with purple eyes/interference (from first 10 – male or female)
              sushi cat
              Silver & White Poad
              Burnt Sugar Poad
              Brown Scratching Dragon

              Retired (production)
              Old green (male & female)
              Old Brown (male & female)
              White (female, young)
              Peacock (male, female)
              Emerald (male, female, young)
              Ruby (male, female, young)
              Rainbow (young, maybe a male)
              Black Unicorns (male, young)
              Kinsella Castles (any, including the logostone)
              Sea Jewel
              Baby Triceratops
              Wind Wizard (perferably emerald)
              Baby white pegasus

              There are current production pieces I’d like, but I didn’t put them on the list. I realize there are a few offered here and there at the present, but I have a trip next week and can’t consider any new purchases until the end of January πŸ˜‰

              I’ll edit this post and let you know as there are changes PT.


                siberakh1 wrote:

                OK, I’ll finally post my wish list…

                Special/Limited Production pieces:
                White Male Griffin (blue eyed or albino)

                Wolf Griffin with purple eyes/interference (from first 10 – male or female)

                Funny you should mention the griffins at the same time ski just put a thread up with an albino male and a purple wolf female.


                  pegasi1978 wrote:

                  siberakh1 wrote:

                  OK, I’ll finally post my wish list…

                  Special/Limited Production pieces:
                  White Male Griffin (blue eyed or albino)

                  Wolf Griffin with purple eyes/interference (from first 10 – male or female)

                  Funny you should mention the griffins at the same time ski just put a thread up with an albino male and a purple wolf female.

                  Actually, that’s what made me think, you know, maybe I should finally post my wish list πŸ˜› Sadly, I have to wait until the end of the month for any new purchases *sigh* (visiting Keschete next week and I need to make sure I have some funds on me for the trip, just in case…).


                  PT, the brown curlie is off my list. Got it for Xmas.




                    PhoenixTears wrote:

                    No problem- just got carpel tunnel from updating your list is all j/k πŸ˜€ You dont want much! Hee hee! Did you check Rusti’s thread in Flea? She has Pea orientals for sale. I think you may have posted in there but thought Id mention it anyway.

                    LOL..Thanks PT, I know my list just keeps on getting bigger and bigger…it seems like everytime I get something new…I add 10 other pieces…LOL πŸ˜€



                    mmloda wrote:

                    PhoenixTears wrote:

                    No problem- just got carpel tunnel from updating your list is all j/k πŸ˜€ You dont want much! Hee hee! Did you check Rusti’s thread in Flea? She has Pea orientals for sale. I think you may have posted in there but thought Id mention it anyway.

                    LOL..Thanks PT, I know my list just keeps on getting bigger and bigger…it seems like everytime I get something new…I add 10 other pieces…LOL πŸ˜€

                    Trust me, that is sooooo normal!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                      Siberakh, I found a couple of the pieces you mention at a retailer up the road aways. Since they’ve had them so long, I imagine they may still at the end of the month. You may want to call the Wicks and Sticks I had in my ‘local finds’ post.


                      Thought I might as well set some new goals for my collection and make another little list πŸ™‚ Most of them are kitties, I just realized, in one form or another. Meow. Thanks again, PT πŸ˜€

                      *Emerald sun dragon (tag and box don’t matter) to complete emerald Oriental set
                      *Peacock cat wizard
                      *Large Siamese flap cat

                      And my big dream: a LE dark calico flap cat. If one ever pops up and needs a home… πŸ˜†


                      I also need to add a ruby OW to my list. -drool-


                        Hi PT,

                        Please add to my list a mother dragon in the soft, buttery gold.

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