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  • #596380

      Ok I know this is a long shot but I would really love to get the OLD GREEN EMPEROR…

      Oh and here is the rest of my wish list..
      Astral Griffing Family
      Peacock Old Worrior
      Autumn Leaf old Worrior
      Autumn Leaf Secret Keeper
      Peacock Kinglet Dragon
      Peacock Hatching Empress
      Labradorite Griffin Family
      Blue Peacock Scratching Dragon ( I’ve seen pics of him and he is blue and purple with no green)
      Black Mother Unicorn
      Black baby Unicorn
      Animal Collection Tiger #304
      Animal Collection Pig #204
      Peacock Orientals (all three)
      Male Ki rin
      Black Griffin
      Brown Curled Dragon

      Ok so my wish list is longer than this but the ones that i’ve listed are the ones I want the most 😆



        eaglefeather831 wrote:

        This is a great idea!
        Here’s mine:
        Black male pegasus
        Black mother pegasus
        White Gothic unicorn

        That’s it really. I know I will buy these eventually (assuming they are available to buy).

        I wish I had a vast enough collection to trade peices with other forum members, but I cherish the ones I have! 😛

        Edit on my wishlist-I just bought the black male pegasus! Yay! So now my wishlist is as follows:

        Black mother pegasus
        White Gothic unicorn

        And when the Grand Pegasus comes out (hopefully!) That will definitely be on my wish list! Same with the other colors of the Gothic Unicorn. Well-if they come out of hiding in the factory!


          Me, I just want a male ki rin. He always seems to get away…


            Here is my wishlist again. It’s changed a little (I got a Mother Ki-rin!).

            My wishlist is:
            Coiled Mother (with gold egg) in Peacock or Emerald ($200)
            Alchemist Tower ($150)
            Father/Male Ki-Rin ($150)
            Birman Flap Cat ($200)
            Sitting Spectral Dragon in some red color (Ruby, Red Flame, whatever) (??)
            Old Green Male Dragon with lots of brown (but not that yellow green color) ($100)
            Any real Jade pieces, except Oriental Dragon, Coiled Male Dragon (have those) — looking for Scratching Dragon especially ($260)
            Gothic Unicorn ($150)


              Okay my wishlist is:

              Large Bat Winged Black/White Flap Cat
              New Wolf Griffin Family (just need to get the money together)
              Black Male Unicorn
              Black Female Unicorn
              Jade Sun Dragon

              Peacock Fledgling (going to have a rainbow one shortly but would consider purchasing or trading for peacock)
              Peacock Hatching Empress
              Peacock Hatching Kinglet
              Peacock Mother Coiled Dragon
              Peacock Spectral Dragon
              Peacock Rising Spectral Dragon

              Are you sensing a theme? 🙂 I’d really like to finish off my Peacock set.



              Jasmine wrote:

              Okay my wishlist is:

              Large Bat Winged Black/White Flap Cat
              New Wolf Griffin Family (just need to get the money together)
              Black Male Unicorn
              Black Female Unicorn
              Jade Sun Dragon

              Peacock Fledgling (going to have a rainbow one shortly but would consider purchasing or trading for peacock)
              Peacock Hatching Empress
              Peacock Hatching Kinglet
              Peacock Mother Coiled Dragon
              Peacock Spectral Dragon
              Peacock Rising Spectral Dragon

              Are you sensing a theme? 🙂 I’d really like to finish off my Peacock set.

              Couple questions. Did they actually make a LARGE Bat Winged B/W Flap Cat? Never seen one. If so, someone load a pic or link here.

              Also, about the Sun Dragon… are you referring to Emerald Jade or darker Jade?

              Im sure you know (well maybe not cause based on your join date and only posting once here, maybe youre not online much), quite a few of your pieces you wish for are on eBay at the moment!


                I don’t think they made a large batwing flapcat…I would’ve wanted one…


                There is a small black and white bat winged flap cat. I did have one once upon a time. (Displayed for about a week before selling both spotted flappers.)


                  PhoenixTears wrote:

                  Jasmine wrote:

                  Okay my wishlist is:

                  Large Bat Winged Black/White Flap Cat
                  New Wolf Griffin Family (just need to get the money together)
                  Black Male Unicorn
                  Black Female Unicorn
                  Jade Sun Dragon

                  Peacock Fledgling (going to have a rainbow one shortly but would consider purchasing or trading for peacock)
                  Peacock Hatching Empress
                  Peacock Hatching Kinglet
                  Peacock Mother Coiled Dragon
                  Peacock Spectral Dragon
                  Peacock Rising Spectral Dragon

                  Are you sensing a theme? 🙂 I’d really like to finish off my Peacock set.

                  Couple questions. Did they actually make a LARGE Bat Winged B/W Flap Cat? Never seen one. If so, someone load a pic or link here.

                  Also, about the Sun Dragon… are you referring to Emerald Jade or darker Jade?

                  Im sure you know (well maybe not cause based on your join date and only posting once here, maybe youre not online much), quite a few of your pieces you wish for are on eBay at the moment!

                  Oops, my bad, I did mean the Large Black Bird wing Flapper. And I did mean to say the Emerald Jade Sun Dragon, I have the other two in the Emerald so we might as well make it a match.

                  I’ve been looking at Ebay but their prices seem rather high, not to mention they’re asking a mint for shipping to Canada…

                  And I haven’t seen any of the black unicorns anywhere.


                    Jasmine wrote:

                    And I haven’t seen any of the black unicorns anywhere.

                    The Black Unicorns show up on eBay from time to time. You probably won’t find any in stores due to the fact they retired the color in 2000.


                      They turn up in the flea market, too. Keplilly was selling one. 🙂


                      Jasmine: I agree with Pegasi and Ski… keep your eyes opened and you will find them pop up on eBay and here in the Flea Market from time to time.

                      Also, if you havent already, it couldnt hurt for you to create a thread of your own saying that you are looking for the black hoofers. You never know- someone here who might not have thought about selling might have a sudden change of heart and produce one or more for you.

                      I dont know if it ended yet but there is a Large BW Bird Wing Flapper on eBay right now.

                      OH- and though they are often more money, never forget to check the BIN stores on eBay too. Sometimes there are some hidden gems in there.

                      To be perfectly honest- someone here was selling a piece that another member was interested in but couldnt swing in one lump sum. My back is against the wall where bills are concerned- we all know that by now. However, I offered this interested member (who is now a good friend or else Id not have offered), to front her the money and pay for the piece she was interested in (bidding by proxy) and then she is paying me back in installments. Again, to be clear, this person and I have history here and she has proven to be a VERY close person to me here (thats not to say anything less of anyone else, to be sure). But she is highly responsible knowing not to buy other things and go nuts for othe pieces until she has paid off what she committed to first. She’s the first person who befriended me here and due to her honesty and integrity, I made the proxy offer and have done so for a couple other pieces she is interested in. She’s already paying me back rapidly.

                      She gave me her offer limit and I had made the offer to this person selling the piece. And, because of the seller’s outstanding character & honesty, she said that I was actually offering more for her piece when there was a BIN on eBay for $15 less (making the BIN and her current offer equal). She was happy for what she was getting for her pieces and pointed me to a way to save a few bucks; and save the bucks for my proxy. THAT IS INCREDIBLE CHARACTER, IMO.

                      So, just be sure to keep a daily, or every 2-3 day check on the BIN stores on eBay. Sometimes, though it’s rare, they can surprise you. Not to mention, ppl on this forum delightfully surprise me daily. Your black hoofers will turn up- Im certain of it. And tons of large flaps are all over eBay lately. You know the saying, “build it and they will come,” from Field of Dreams. Well, I say…

                      mention it and it will appear!”


                        Thanks, I have put in a bid for the black flap but I think someone has beaten me already. And I’m really trying not to go nuts and stick with my monthly budget. But they’re all soooo purty 🙂


                          Violet flame fledgling
                          Scratcher – Jade would be nice, but any color would due
                          Emperor – not particular on the color
                          SK – I’ll take what I can get as they aren’t easy to get
                          PYO Keeper – want to find one I like, was going to commission, but coming up with the color scheme just wasn’t working for me. One of Jennifer Miller’s would be wonderful
                          PYO dragon – same as above
                          Rising Spectral – not particular on the color


                            Thanks so much for this Phoenix, I have acquired the hatching emperor!
                            You can take me off of the wish list.
                            Thanks again for being on the lookout!

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