PT's OOAK "sea dragon" SOLD :)

Home Forums Administration Flea Market PT's OOAK "sea dragon" SOLD :)

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  • #821237

    ummmmmm…. is your fairy dragon going up for sale anytime soon? 😳 i’m REALLY looking forward to that one…


      daydreamer wrote:

      ummmmmm…. is your fairy dragon going up for sale anytime soon? 😳 i’m REALLY looking forward to that one…

      He will be. He still needs a few touch-ups and I need to at least put a loop in his back. He’s made to hang like an ornament. I should be able to have him up for sale by the end of the month πŸ˜‰ . I’ll post him here first, to πŸ˜€ .


        My Sea Dragon has been sold and will soon be going to his new home πŸ˜€ ! And, again, thanks for all of the comments and well-wishing!


        Oooh, congrats! Both to you and the lucky new owner! πŸ™‚


        oh! congrats! πŸ˜€

        waiting impatiently for fairy dragon… hehehehe

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