Production Natural Tanukis?

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody Production Natural Tanukis?

  • This topic has 28 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years ago by Kim.
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      I managed to get one plain tanuki as I couldn’t afford a fancy one but I was actually hoping for maybe a natural coloured one this time besides fantasy. So I am wondering if you will be doing a production batch of tanukis in their natural colours just like you did a natural batch of the cougars?

      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


        I’ve been wondering this myself but I didn’t ask first since the thought always occurred away from the computer…I would definitely like to see this happen….

        4 things I'm looking for:
        1. Mother Meerkat
        2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
        3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
        4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


          I would love to see natural Tanuki’s


            Same here. I’d love to see natural Tanuki’s, particuarly some that look like raccoons. I’m partial to raccoons ever since a few years ago when the ceiling of my home was invaded by mother raccoons trying to nest their babies. As soon as trappers would catch one, another would move into the nest. Finally, the last one had babies and I could hear the pitter patter of baby raccoons running around my ceiling.


              Same here. I’d love to see natural Tanuki’s, particuarly some that look like raccoons. I’m partial to raccoons ever since a few years ago when the ceiling of my home was invaded by mother raccoons trying to nest their babies. As soon as trappers would catch one, another would move into the nest. Finally, the last one had babies and I could hear the pitter patter of baby raccoons running around my ceiling.

              Raccoon coloring would be so pretty, the tanuki scupt has always made me think of the raccoon in Disney’s Pocahontas – only cuter.
              You are a better person than I am. I used to think squirrels were SO cute – until they started invading our attic and chewing on things – like electrical wiring. A few thousand dollars later to “squirrel proof” our roofline and I now think of squirrels the way my father-in-law did – they’re just rats with fuzzy tails. 😐


                I managed to get one plain tanuki as I couldn’t afford a fancy one but I was actually hoping for maybe a natural coloured one this time besides fantasy. So I am wondering if you will be doing a production batch of tanukis in their natural colours just like you did a natural batch of the cougars?

                Yes, I am waiting for more to be cast, I used all of them up on the grab bags.


                  Yes, I’d love to get a natural colored Tanuki too! I also really want to see a natural/safari patterns GB for them as well, I REALLY want to see some in summer Arctic fox coat colors, much like the grey/purple summer coat Arctic like in the picture below preferably. 😉

                  *Formerly meowmix101
                  Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                    Same here. I’d love to see natural Tanuki’s, particuarly some that look like raccoons. I’m partial to raccoons ever since a few years ago when the ceiling of my home was invaded by mother raccoons trying to nest their babies. As soon as trappers would catch one, another would move into the nest. Finally, the last one had babies and I could hear the pitter patter of baby raccoons running around my ceiling.

                    Raccoon coloring would be so pretty, the tanuki scupt has always made me think of the raccoon in Disney’s Pocahontas – only cuter.
                    You are a better person than I am. I used to think squirrels were SO cute – until they started invading our attic and chewing on things – like electrical wiring. A few thousand dollars later to “squirrel proof” our roofline and I now think of squirrels the way my father-in-law did – they’re just rats with fuzzy tails. 😐

                    I love all types of animals. Squirrels can do lots of damage. I had one dig a hole in my siding the year after the raccoons nested. I had critter trappers on speed dial on my phone. Unlike squirrel damage, at least the raccoon damages are covered by insurance policies because they can transmit many serious diseases to humans from their feces, so the insurance company paid to tear out the old insulation, spray some type of antiseptic and lay down new insulation and wallboard. The booger did about $2500 in damages. But, when I went outside to get the paper in the morning and saw her in the cage, she looked me straight in the eyes and gave me a sad look as if saying “please let me out of this trap”.

                    I put out feeders for the birds (and chipmunks), so they say that attracts all kinds of other critters to the food source.

                    Yes, that raccoon in Pochahantas is a cutie. These tanukis are gorgeous.


                      I love all animals too. We put out bird seed for the birds and cat cookies for stray cats but we also get squirrels and skunks that come around for food. The skunks are cute and they are pretty mild mannered here. Even if our cats are outside, they usually just run away from them and have never sprayed them. We don’t have raccoons or rats in Alberta but I think they are cute too!

                      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                        We’ve got skunks here too. My dog got sprayed by one when he went out the patio door. Tomato juice bath’s work pretty well at getting the stench out.

                        But, we can’t let pets like cats or small dogs outside alone here. There’s hawks that swoop down and carry off small pets (and my cats pet chipmunks). Some women nearby saw a toy dog getting carried by the hawk and followed him in her car until the hawk dropped the dog. He was shaken up but no broken bones, and she returned him to his owners.

                        We’ve also had eagles nest nearby (which is unusual for our area), but they seem to like the lake nearby. And, we have a pack of coyotes that run through our subdivision early in the morning causing all the dogs in the vicinity to bark in chorus. Also, had a red fox run up to my gate one morning.


                        Yes, I’d love to get a natural colored Tanuki too! I also really want to see a natural/safari patterns GB for them as well, I REALLY want to see some in summer Arctic fox coat colors, much like the grey/purple summer coat Arctic like in the picture below preferably. 😉

                        I would love a white one! Or white with shades of grey! Maybe a kinda grab bag like the Arctuc fox ones?



                          Yeah like that! With blue eyes and a bit darker chocolate nose! Calling dibs on the one I just described!! Oh I hope hope hope there will be white ones!

                          Thanks Pam for posting that pic!


                            Yeah albino or ivory ones with blue eyes would be awesome!

                            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

                            Danzig Moon (Karen)

                              OK, is just a thought but how about a production run on Red Pandas on these guy’s??? Some of them look like that in their faces in this batch!!

                              NOW, I’m going to RUN so I don’t get hit by broken sculpts and empty paint jars!!! :p

                              *** Always looking for Brindles..*** AWD Pieces **** Lavender Coiled Mother with Globe**** if you have one you would like to sell or trade please contact me ?

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