Possible New PYOs

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      It would be lovely to see another stage of Poad. Maybe a stage between the young and the adult (teen?) or an old poad!

      ANOTHER poad™?? Jeese…well, they
      are my favorite grab bag items. Lots of room to paint stuff.

      Yes. Another poad. ALL THE POADS. FOREVER! Seriously, they are adorable. I love that they all look slightly annoyed to me. They have such great character!



        Oh dear, I’m so glad you asked 😉

        .A pegasus or baby pegasus, with folded down wings, so that we can do fun bird wing designs on back of the wings.


        .Red panda

        .That black horned wolf from Veligent.

        .A Sloat!!

        .Hippocampus!!! Anything Mermaid-y!! Even a baby one!

        Oh, I forgot about the pyo Snerl, It is sculpted but not cast.

        pyo sloat! Ha ha ha! Those are as ugly as the Muse. What color do you picture them?

        I was going to do a pebble red panda.
        I need time to sculpt.

        I love how a Sloat kinda looks like a Tapir in some aspects, so I kinda imagine some fun fantasy Tapir markings, and baby Tapir spotting! I think lots of fun things and combinations could be done on Sloat, or heck even a Tapir itself! I really liked the Sloat concept sculpt you have on your DA page, specifically the female!

        OMG, I just thought of it, maybe even a cute BABY Sloat!!!!


        Canary skippers:

        That would be….amazing!!!!


          Oh hm, suggestions… Well I really love the idea of a short haired winged cat. A Pegasus would be a great idea too. Something else I’d like to see is bat styled wings on something. There’s lots of feathered wings so doing something batty would add some variety. Not sure what, could be on anything really. A cat, kirin, maybe a unicorn. (could be like a Nightmare or dark unicorn style) I’m sure they would all look neat with bat styled wings.

          I bring these guys up every once in a while – winged mouse gargoyles. 🙂 They are very unfinished, and Melody ways that she hasn’t figured out tails for them, but I think they are such a cute idea! Much better than the Mouse Wizard (in my opinion).

          The complete discussion from Melody’s Gallery: http://windstoneeditions.com/content/winged-mouse-gargoyles


            It would be lovely to see another stage of Poad. Maybe a stage between the young and the adult (teen?) or an old poad!

            ANOTHER poad™?? Jeese…well, they are my favorite grab bag items. Lots of room to paint stuff.
            Old poads are called Oma poads.

            Oma poads? Are they German =D My family is from Germany and my Oma actually had the look of some of the more annoyed looking poads lol.


              I would love to see–

              Another pyo winged wolf (maybe pups???)
              Pyo frog with smooth skin (I remember seeing him in the works before)
              Dinosaurs!!!! Yes with Jurassic world out now it would be awesome to paint a tyrannosaurus or even a raptor 😀


                I would love a pyo pegasus and a pyo poad!


                  I’m not so patiently waiting for the oriental.


                    I want to paint a Westcoast Native poad… based on Raven, probably 🙂


                      Oooooh! I’d love to see:

                      PYO baby Griffin
                      PYO shorthair Flapcat
                      PYO Oriental dragon
                      PYO reclining or sitting Griffin (maybe with wings folded?)



                      or a Canary Skipper. 🙂


                        Oooooh! I’d love to see:

                        PYO baby Griffin
                        PYO shorthair Flapcat
                        PYO Oriental dragon
                        PYO reclining or sitting Griffin (maybe with wings folded?)

                        Two of the four are under construction (shorthair flapcat and oriental dragon). No timeline on when they’ll appear, though!


                          Canary skippers:

                          That would be….amazing!!!!

                          Ha ha ! Producing that thing is your problem! Maybe you could 3d print it.


                            Melody just put this up on Facebook. Can’t wait for him to come out!! I’ve got ideas!


                              Melody just put this up on Facebook. Can’t wait for him to come out!! I’ve got ideas!

                              WHOO-HOO!!! Can’t wait for it and the Hippocampus.

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