Positive thoughts please for Laundry2011

Home Forums Miscellany Community Positive thoughts please for Laundry2011

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    Laundry2011 was in an accident today. She was checking the mail and turned into the driveway and got t-boned/rearended by speeding car and thrown into the ditch. The passenger window shattered and flew in her face. She ended up with 22 stitches in her face and is feeling pretty crumby. Her car is totaled and now the third vehicle in as many years… she’s doing okay, but positive thoughts are appreciated.

    Recently married to the ever lovable BiPolarBear (little John)
    www.weaselsoneasels.com | www.facebook.com/weaselsoneasels

    As seen on This is Life with Lisa Ling on CNN (2018) !
    Always open for pyo commissions, repairs and fine artwork! Email me for current prices! awier(@)weaselsoneasels.com


      Hoping for a speedy recovery for you Laundry. Sending positive thoughts and vibes your way.


        So sorry to hear it! I’m glad she is ok, though what she went through sounds painful. I hope she is feeling better soon!

        Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
        ANY Red Eyed Unis
        ANY Test Paint Bat
        The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
        Male- Snow Leopard TP
        White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
        Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
        Mother: Okapi
        Gothic - Mahogany
        PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
        DRAGONS: Male Coyote


          Oh Goodness!That could have been much worse.Glad she will be fine,sorry about the car.

          Every act matters.No matter how small💞
          (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
          Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


            Oh my goodness! Positive vibes on the way. How scary……..

            Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.

            Celestial Rainstorm

              Oh my goodness! I am so incredibly sorry. I give lots of positive thoughts.

              Finding happiness again.


                Sorry to hear that. That would sure be scary to go through but glad she is okay for the most part and hope she heals fast!

                Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                  Oh No! So Sorry! 🙁
                  Hope she feels better real soon! Lucky it wasn’t much worst.

                  My thoughts and prayers go out to Laundry2011.

                  IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                  Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                  Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                  *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                  *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


                    Oh man. It would be so nice if people would slow down just a bit and pay attention to the other things around them as they are driving. I am so sorry she got hurt. Sending prayers for a fast recovery.

                    Looking for:
                    "COSMIC SHIFT DRAGONS and KI-RINS" and the "OCTOPUS TANUKI TEST PAINT #1"


                      Oh no!

                      Wishing her a speedy recovery.

                      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                      Thank you all. She’s trying to be positive and she let me post this here for ya all.

                      She appreciates the thoughts! Now she’s trying to figure out how she’s gonna afford a new vehicle..

                      Recently married to the ever lovable BiPolarBear (little John)
                      www.weaselsoneasels.com | www.facebook.com/weaselsoneasels

                      As seen on This is Life with Lisa Ling on CNN (2018) !
                      Always open for pyo commissions, repairs and fine artwork! Email me for current prices! awier(@)weaselsoneasels.com


                      Afford a new vehicle? The other driver had better buy her one!!! If they are not insured, surely her own insurance will cover it…?
                      Best wishes to her for a speedy recovery.


                        scars are sexy and make for good stories


                        Laundry2011 was in an accident today. She was checking the mail and turned into the driveway and got t-boned/rearended by speeding car and thrown into the ditch. The passenger window shattered and flew in her face. She ended up with 22 stitches in her face and is feeling pretty crumby. Her car is totaled and now the third vehicle in as many years… she’s doing okay, but positive thoughts are appreciated.

                        Oh no! But she’s Ok… Whew…That’s good!


                          That is terrible but I am glad she is going to be OK.

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