POOF! That was fast!

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      Those went quick! How did everyone’s nerves handle the wait? I was bummed out of the “confirm order” screen twice! I was freaking out!


        How long did they last in the store?


          11 minutes.


            My cat was not very pleased with the happy dance i made him do. :party:


            This just means Melody needs to go nuts with the paint and patterns more often, then eventually when we can buy many loud and paint puke pieces we will become desensitized to it and yearn for the good old days of “normal” colors.


              That was fast ! Wow poor Susie . Thats incredible .


                Amazing how fast they went! At first, I thought they all sold out already but it was the sheer volume of us being in the store that slowed everything down. They couldn’t even add the item to be sold so it looked like it was sold out. I was able to nab one finally–my first grab bag weeeeeee!


                  thats 1 unicorn every 6.7 sec!!!


                    It was like black friday at the Windstone Store!!!! I clicked “add to cart” and kept getting a screen that said something about reaching capacity, try again later. I think I had a mild heart attack :tired:


                    I can’t believe I got one because my computer kept freezing. I had one in the cart but just couldn’t check out for several minutes. But it worked in the end. Now I can’t wait to see it! The agony…


                    Same here, but I got one. This is my first Unicorn. I am so excited. Can not wait to see my new addition!


                      I accidentally hit add to cart twice because of the lag and when it said I already had one in my cart I frantically hit the shopping cart link. When that finally came up it STILL HAD THE PEBBLE CATS IN IT!!. I selected the pebbles to remove, hit recalculate and it said THERE WAS NOTHING IN MY CART!!!. Went back to the GBBaby page and clicked add to cart and it sat there loading. I was ready to give up as I had to make dinner. My husband came in and took over and it went thru!!! Puffpastry, if it’s not one of the ones I am looking for, we can talk.

                      Good luck to everyone!


                        Buahaha! I had hit the Add to cart button twice! (Second time to give the page a nudge, sometimes I have to do that with my net here) Read the ~Check your amount, you’re only allowed 1~ but not the rest of the message (I was being impatient, lol) so I waited for the whole page to load *completely* (I cut the loads short as soon as what I *needed* was up) thinking there was an ‘add amount’ drop down that hadn’t loaded yet, haha… to realize the prob was I had one in my cart! haha XD
                        So I went to view cart (Made sure earlier I didn’t have something sitting in there for calculating shipping, haha) put in my info and pressed the continue, it then error messaged cause I didn’t wait for the shipping page to load x.x … waited for it, noticed the shipping price difference, fixed my addy for USPS (Added my PO Box) then loaded the review page… it looked good, clicked submit on it, waited… and waited.. stopped it, tried again, it locked up.. refreshed it, hit submit real fast to *then* see it had killed the USPS info back to UPS and didn’t have my PO Box change, and then got order confirmed page. – I don’t care that I payed more for shipping than I wanted, I got to the order confirmed page, I was happy! hahaha


                        Ya’ll lied to me!! XD Half hour my butt! Buahaha!


                          What an ordeal for you Kaytana.You earned that baby.LOL Congrats! I am happy you got one.You do jump in with both feet don’t you.LOL Very cool :bigsmile:
                          Congrats to all!


                            Ya’ll lied to me!! XD Half hour my butt! Buahaha!

                            Hey – I didn’t know that the store could handle orders that fast! 🙂 I was sure that it was going to crash. Glad you got your order through.

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