POLL: GB Baby Unicorns colors (new option added Mar 13, re-vote!)

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone POLL: GB Baby Unicorns colors (new option added Mar 13, re-vote!)

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    This poll is unofficial.

    March 13 – Added an option for other animal colors. You can cancel your vote and re-vote by clicking the cancel vote button.


      How about something completely different? Like cat colorings?

      Keeper of the Fledgings


        All appaloosa! Fantasy and normal. Hehe


        I love, love, love the fantasy colors. The picture is pretty awesome. Have you thought about making it a print for CafePress? I would buy one!

        Save Hotdog!


          Glad you liked the photo! I picked some of the less impressive ones for it.


            Glad you liked the photo! I picked some of the less impressive ones for it.

            Was that all of them?

            I like the idea of making it a cafepress poster! 🙂 Would be esp cool for those who got one!

            Oh, and my vote is Yes! lol (I really liked this batch, love what I’ve seen of the other fantasy batches and love the normal horseys!) But I really want a Young now!


              Was that all of the unicorns? Definitely not! 🙂 Melody posted a pic on the blog of all the unis together.
              Was that all of the less impressive ones? No.


              What would be kind of neat, but probably a pain. 1/3 fantasy, 1/3 real horse, and 1/3 inbetween. And then, the buyer could choose which category or don’t care. But I don’t know if you could make the check out do that and it’d be a pain. 🙂

              -- Angie


                Was that all of the unicorns? Definitely not! 🙂 Melody posted a pic on the blog of all the unis together.
                Was that all of the less impressive ones? No.

                Ohohoh! I was thinking the blog photo not the shop photo XP I’m up to date with whats going on!


                Oops, sorry, I was referring to the blog photo for CafePress too! But I really like your picture as well. And those are the less impressive ones?! I keep going back to it to drool. Maybe prints of both photos? Or did you take any other pictures? I just really like the color and the details on the babies. I think they would make a really cool poster or print.


                  I voted normal with some interference-but I’m not in *LOVE* with the babies. Now the YOUNGS on the other hand….I *LOVE* them :love:


                    Glad you liked the photo! I picked some of the less impressive ones for it.

                    You are SADISTIC, Pam. :p I don’t know how you can even joke about such a SERIOUS matter. I couldn’t bear to see all those wonderful Babies and know I could only have one. 🙁


                      I haven’t voted, but I like all three batches for different reasons. So, choice 4, any? I wouldn’t mind another super fancy one, and I wouldn’t mind a few of either the super normal ones or the slightly fantasy ones.


                        It would be cool to have a normal coloured but not normal patterned group. So no interference but crazy patterns, like tabby stripes, cuttlefish stripes, etc in normal browns and greys.


                          It would be cool to have a normal coloured but not normal patterned group. So no interference but crazy patterns, like tabby stripes, cuttlefish stripes, etc in normal browns and greys.

                          I’d like to see some babys or Youngs like this! (I still want to try my hand at getting a young XD lol) but I think it would be super awesome to have a batch of different wildlife ones in normal colors! My heart did flips when I saw the tiger ones in this current batch! ‘n my mind has gone wild with ideas before with this idea! – I’ve fawned over the Cuttlefish and Chipmunk unis that have hit the ebay store so darn much! haha

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