Poad Arrival…

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  • #557299

      OMG! It is just tooooo cute! Thanks for the photo!


        tsija wrote:

        Am I the only one who doesn’t see this picture? Am I missing a link?

        Nope! All I get is a nice red X.

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          dragonmedley wrote:

          tsija wrote:

          Am I the only one who doesn’t see this picture? Am I missing a link?

          Nope! All I get is a nice red X.

          Sorry my website doesn’t seem to behave in Canada just yet. Here’s it uploaded to my LJ:



            Oh, and yes, the card is signed on the back, as well as on the bottom of the sculpture.


            He is so cute! I hate living in NJ – I’m not going to get mine until Wed or Thurs. 🙁 *high, whiny voice* Everybody always gets their Windstones before me! *stomps foot and storms off to sulk in the corner*

            Anticipation is just part of the joy – so I get a lot of joy! 😀


            ddvm wrote:

            He is so cute! I hate living in NJ – I’m not going to get mine until Wed or Thurs. 🙁 *high, whiny voice* Everybody always gets their Windstones before me!

            Sure, ddvm. 😆 😆


              Yup, we have a lot of joy in NJ! 🙄 😆


              Oh I can’t wait. That picture is so cute.


              man, now i wished i ordered a poad(tm). will it be too late by teh time i put my order in? 😯


              Mine won’t be here until Wednesday either ddvm…So don’t worry, I am sure you’re not going to be the last!! 😆


                I thought Melody said she painted about 100, so there should be one left for you gryphondreamer. If she already sold 100 for $100 each, you can bet she’ll be painting more; -)


                Aw thanks for posting a picture of the poad!

                I have no idea of size and i have never seen a curl Dragon so hee hee im a bit stuck untill i get one. It was only untill the other day when i thought lap dragons and OW etc were about 6inches. Boy did i get a shock 😯


                WindstoneCollector wrote:

                Mine won’t be here until Wednesday either ddvm…So don’t worry, I am sure you’re not going to be the last!! 😆

                I know – actually Ski and GB would probably get things all ordered on the same day last. I was just lamenting the frustration of living 3000 miles from the factory.

                Actually, come to think of it, that would be a great reason to move:

                “Why are you moving again?”

                “Oh I’m moving to California to be close to the source of amazing dragons so I can get them a couple of days sooner and so I can visit the factory.”

                “Oooookayyyy, I have some nice men in white coats who would like to meet you…” 😆 😆


                lol ddvm 😀


                I know, the picture isn’t the best, but I put the poad between a fledgeling and a curl. Hope this helps those wondering about size

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