Poad Arrival…

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    Oh lords, they’re ADORABLE!

    They’ve got BUTTS!!
    no really, wee tiny hineys. :: laughing ::

    And there is a Poad(tm) card that comes with them too…

    I really need another now, and I SWORE I’d only order the one.


    Hang on another one!? When did they go on sale 🙁 Did i miss them, oh i wanted one so much 🙁 poo!

    Glad you got one tyger 😀 post some pictures of him in your collection!


    Griffiness wrote:

    Hang on another one!? When did they go on sale 🙁 Did i miss them, oh i wanted one so much 🙁 poo!

    Glad you got one tyger 😀 post some pictures of him in your collection!

    Not sure how many or if any are left, but here was the post about them; you can see if any are left. 😀


    I’ll try and take a pic of Pooter the Poad when I get home tonight. 😀 They remind me so darn much of my amazon parrot with that ‘raised eyebrow’ stare they have.

    Oh, and the feet are cute, not ugly 😀


    They come with Poad cards? Ahhh – as if the Poads themsevles weren’t enough to collect, now we’ve got another incentive.


    Oh gosh i didn’t know they were that much, i thought they were quite small? I can’t afford one 🙁


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    They come with Poad cards? Ahhh – as if the Poads themsevles weren’t enough to collect, now we’ve got another incentive.

    The card is really nice; I like it better than a certificate, as I can actually put the card next to the poad. It’s signed, too, as is the poad, and you get an amusing fact on the card about how poads communicate, and that they come from Melody’s comic, Reptangle(tm).

    The poads are larger than I thought; I’d wondered at the price myself, but they’re a LOT bigger than a curl and quite substantial.


    How cool. I can’t wait to order mine now.


      Nytetyger wrote:

      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      They come with Poad cards? Ahhh – as if the Poads themsevles weren’t enough to collect, now we’ve got another incentive.

      The card is really nice; I like it better than a certificate, as I can actually put the card next to the poad. It’s signed, too, as is the poad, and you get an amusing fact on the card about how poads communicate, and that they come from Melody’s comic, Reptangle(tm).

      The poads are larger than I thought; I’d wondered at the price myself, but they’re a LOT bigger than a curl and quite substantial.I’m glad you like the card idea.. this first batch of cards I made and printed out myself on our copier, but I was thinking of having a nicely printed card for everything, instead of those dumb letters.. I mean, what do you do with a letter? The cards are cuter, and will fit in those protective plastic collector’s card sheets they sell for game cards.


        that sounds like a really cool idea…we could keep the cards in folders….hehe


          I already have a ton of those sleeves around anyway from my son’s Pokemon cards 🙄


          Aw, now I want to order a butternut one.


          What, you didn’t want one until they came with cards? Smart move, Melody. 😆


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          What, you didn’t want one until they came with cards? Smart move, Melody. 😆

          Well I did want one, but I thought they were going to be the size of a coiled dragon. But, I am thinking that I will get a tax return back so maybe I can splurge on myself. hehe


            starbreeze wrote:

            I already have a ton of those sleeves around anyway from my son’s Pokemon cards 🙄

            *coughs* I have a bunch of those too. From my Pokemon cards.

            (I went through a period where I played it with my little sister. It was a bonding thing. And they were actually very fun to collect!)

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