
pipsxlch's PYOs- new old stuff

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  • #507167

      I can’t find my old PYO thread, suppose it got lost in the forum transfer. I do still have all the photos, I can bring them here- but I’m nowhere near as good as the other painters. And I never could figure out how to post to the gallery.
      Anyhow, I got a foo puppy as a Mother’s Day gift for my mom. My inspiration was the silver fawn English Mastiffs she used to have, the puppy made me think of Pekingese dogs which ended up with the Mastiffs. She was just saying how she’d love to get another Mastiff if she had the money.
       photo P5010006_zps4c38b239.jpg
       photo P5010005_zpsa758e4fc.jpg
       photo P5010004_zps8b00850c.jpg
       photo P5010003_zps1c9a571f.jpg
       photo P5010002_zps2322994d.jpg
       photo P5010001_zpsd892d407.jpg


        This is adorable, what a fitting present for your mom! 😀

        Check out my finished artwork at http://falcolf.deviantart.com/ and my sketch/studio blog at http://rosannapbrost.tumblr.com/



        Great job on the shading and concept! I like it! 🙂


          Thanks for the kind comments!
          I found the first PYO I did- a wolf I painted for my husband after his husky/malamute cross. Unfortunately, he didn’t care for the fact that the eyes are on the wrong sides to match her. (this was when the eyes came pre-glued in, and I didn’t think they were removable) So I sold her to a forum member.
           photo 100_1022.jpg
           photo 100_1023.jpg


            You can’t edit the first post in a thread? I moved the pics in my Photobucket album and went to edit in the new links, there is no ‘edit’ button on that post. It is the first post, with the foop.
            It did let me edit and change the links on the later posting with the wolf.


              You can edit your first post – the “Edit” button is at the upper left above the title. Thanks to whoever gave me that tip!


                Thanks so much Etruscan! Never would have found it myself.


                  I had bought this griff for my husband to paint since he loves eagles, but he never did. After a year or two I went ahead and painted it; it was also sold to a forum member. I wasn’t happy with how the spots on the cat part came out, but its new owner said she was pleased with it. I did like the beak and claws, and the raptor part was okay.
                   photo 100_2659.jpg
                   photo 100_2656.jpg
                   photo 100_2655.jpg photo 100_2654.jpg
                   photo 100_2653.jpg


                    I love the detail on the feathers!

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                      I painted this small dragon for my daughter’s birthday several years ago. She was happy with it.
                       photo 9-04-10010.jpg
                       photo 9-04-10.jpg
                       photo 9-04-10017.jpg
                       photo 9-04-10012.jpg
                       photo 9-04-10013.jpg
                       photo 9-04-10014.jpg
                       photo 9-04-10015.jpg
                       photo 9-04-10016.jpg
                       photo whiteemperor035.jpg


                        Oh, he’s lovely!

                        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                          Very Nice Dragon! 😀
                          I really like the progression photographs – I need to do more of this type of painting (paint by building darker layers) for my own PYOs. I’ve only done layers this way for the larger detail areas.

                          IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                          Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                          Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                          *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                          *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


                            Adorable dragon! I also like the spots on the griffon. They’re soft looking, a good fit with the paint scheme.


                               photo 100_3060.jpg
                              Took a few showing how he’s progressing from different angles.

                               photo 100_3061.jpg

                               photo 100_3062.jpg

                               photo 7-11-10003.jpg
                              Pretty much done here, I’ve clearcoated him (discovered spray on works so much better for me in my humid climate) and antiqued him, checking for what needs to be tweaked or repaired before final clearcoating. The eye isn’t glued in yet, so be careful- one went AWOL. 0.o

                               photo 7-11-10004.jpg

                               photo 7-11-10005.jpg
                              Remaining eye gets moved to other socket…

                               photo 7-11-10006.jpg
                              Oops he’s blind


                                 photo 7-11-10007.jpg

                                 photo 100_3124.jpg
                                He’s done, except for the missing eye- so his fuzzy became a Seeing Eye Fuzzy. (it’s cool to get a white fuzzy with a PYO, you can paint it to match)

                                 photo 8-10-10007.jpg
                                Even their eyes match (sort of).

                                 photo 8-10-10001.jpg
                                Here he’s done, the eye bturned up inside the washing machine. 0.o In outdoor light, my camera washed out the colors, think the indoors ones were more accurate.

                                 photo 8-10-10006.jpg

                                 photo 8-10-10002.jpg

                                 photo 8-10-10005.jpg

                                 photo 8-10-10003.jpg

                                 photo 8-10-10004.jpg

                                And that’s it for my PYOs. I have truly enjoyed painting them, but haven’t been able to afford them without knowing I could sell them. Hopefully that will change one day. (this new job I’m training for would give me the money to do it for pleasure, but absolutely no time for it- oh well)

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