
pink dragons

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      DAWWWW it looks soooo prettyyyy!!!!! awe, it makes my heart just melt with warm-ness. that pink curlie is definately a need.


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        skigod377 wrote:

        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Glad you got one, travistie! πŸ˜€

        Yeah, the curlies are really popular. And to think that Melody might not have ever produced them if it hadn’t been for Nirvana…What did Nirvana do? Threaten her? πŸ˜†

        Nah – gave her a second opinion. Melody was worried because she’d broken two rules of sculpting (the curlies have no front and something else) and Nirvana insisted they looked great and she wanted one.

        Yay Nirvana for convincing Melody! She deserves a cookie! They do look great from what the pictures show…. and I’m sure even more beautiful in person. I can’t wait to see mine. This will be my first curlie. πŸ˜€


          😯 First? You do know what you’re getting yourself into here, right, travistie?
          I’m surprised how pale the pink appears. I saw the test paint at the factory and it was quite a bit brighter.


            Yeah, I know… I’ll probably have several curlies by the end of the month after this one. πŸ˜†

            If Melody is going to tweak the color for the next batch, I may have to pick up one of those too 8)


              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              😯 First? You do know what you’re getting yourself into here, right, travistie?

              Hehe, another one falls into our clutches! We are such bad influences on each other. 8)

              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              I’m surprised how pale the pink appears. I saw the test paint at the factory and it was quite a bit brighter.

              I would really like to see the test paint colors. The pic of this one under regular lighting makes it look more like a ‘pink ice’ coloration. I would love to see a true coral color.


                Coral would be a really nice shade to try on them. Or even a nice rich rose color. There are so many possibilities!


                  I am not a big pink fan but I just saw the picture of the pink curled dragon and I like it! πŸ™‚


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  😯 First? You do know what you’re getting yourself into here, right, travistie?
                  I’m surprised how pale the pink appears. I saw the test paint at the factory and it was quite a bit brighter.

                  Well, truth here, my pictures are hardly the finest in the land. ::grin:: But yes, she is that ice pink of a col;or; at least mine is.

                  I really love the color the more I look at it– but I’m wondering if silver accents might have been cooler on her rather than gold. She’d look arctic with ‘platinum’ points, horns and claws. πŸ˜€


                    Serenity wrote:

                    I am not a big pink fan but I just saw the picture of the pink curled dragon and I like it! πŸ™‚

                    I usually hate pink but I like these too! They’re so… cute..!


                      I don’t dislike this pale pink. The one at the factory reminded me of purplecat’s pink lap dragon, just with paler pink sections. But if Melody tweaks the color I, too, will buy another – just because I’m a hopeless curlie addict.


                        See, I never really cared for the curlies because of them being so small compared to the other dragons I have. I like the big guys myself. But, I couldn’t say no to a pink curlie… especially since I squeaked for pink dragons in the first place! It’s smart for Melody to try an experiment color like this on something as small as a curlie… so she can see what kind of reaction she gets before offering it on something larger.

                        Who knows, I may have a little curlie family of my own after seeing this one in person. Seems like everyone else is addicted to them πŸ˜†


                          My pink curlie arrived today and looks different from Nyte’s picture. Mine is more of a medium pink and beige. I really love it!


                            OOOOooooo… variations!!! This is getting interesting. 8) Can you post pics?

                            I wonder what mine will look like. It should be here tomorrow.


                              Don’t mind the jumble…they are this way pending another shelf being built. lol Brett griffin is more of a candy pink, so this is a good comparison shot.


                              Oh wow! I have to get one! They are beautiful!!

                              😯 πŸ˜€

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