Picture of red fire OW?

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    Does such a picture exist? Has anyone seen one? The OW is my favorite pose and I’m dying to see one. Has anyone gotten to see one yet?



      Awww.. I thought you had a pic.. 🙁

      I think Emerald is going to show us a pic later this week when she gets one in..of course if anyone wants to post more pics before then I’d love to see em’…this color just might be my OW color…I just have to love it more than the Lap… so I’m on the fence.


        I got the bill for my order today, and it’s back ordered. I guess they are not quite ready. I’m still getting the Lap and Spectral though. I’ll probably get them tomorrow. I’ll put pics on my website when I get them in.

        I’ll keep you updated on the status of the OW.


        Blade-of-the-Moon wrote:

        Awww.. I thought you had a pic.. 🙁

        I think Emerald is going to show us a pic later this week when she gets one in..of course if anyone wants to post more pics before then I’d love to see em’…this color just might be my OW color…I just have to love it more than the Lap… so I’m on the fence.

        Sorry about that. I added a question mark so not to get other people excited. 😀


          GASP!!! so cruel! I got all excited! 😯


            Blade-of-the-Moon wrote:

            Awww.. I thought you had a pic.. 🙁

            😆 Same here!

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              Yeah I didn’t pay attention to the question mark and got excited too.


                emerald212 wrote:

                I got the bill for my order today, and it’s back ordered. I guess they are not quite ready. I’m still getting the Lap and Spectral though. I’ll probably get them tomorrow. I’ll put pics on my website when I get them in.

                I’ll keep you updated on the status of the OW.

                I think they ran out of a vital color of paint! So it may be a little while. 🙁

                The bonus is, since they can’t work on those, they are working on other surprises for you collectors… 😉

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                My art: featherdust.com


                Jennifer wrote:

                The bonus is, since they can’t work on those, they are working on other surprises for you collectors… 😉

                I love surprises, especially Windstone surprises! I don’t suppose you would want to give any hints? Just a little one? 😆


                  Ebay or LP surprises?


                    Yeah, maybe just a little hint? 😉 😆


                      Oh, hint please!!! 😀


                        I am pretty sure they will end up LP, but I don’t know for sure… around Windstone anything can change at moment’s notice! 🙂

                        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                        My art: featherdust.com


                          Are they going to be something other than dragons? There are too many LP dragons. There need to be some LP hoofers!

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