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      I am enjoying these awesome photos! I don’t have a digital camera and have been using these one shot things you get from CVS/Longs. They had a preview feature and that helped me a lot to at least have the decent pictures developed. I’m a horrible photogapher! Well now that Longs is CVS they do not have these digital one shot things anymore but the one use 35mm. I just had some pictures developed and oh copious amounts of poo! They were blurry, off centered, heads cut off–you name it, it was there!

      So I came to a decision, been snooping around anyway, but I need to get a decent digital camera. Koii talked about her new Rebel XTi in the beginning–is that still a decent camera? I’m tired of paying to have sorry-arse pictures developed but I’m one of these people who need extreme guidance. That’s what has been keeping me from looking for one–either you come up against sales personnel who don’t know s**t or they’re trying to push a certain model down your throat because they have an overstock of them.

      Soooooooo….what I am looking for is a digital camera that an idiot novice [moi] can quickly learn to use and not have too many problems in getting the pictures to computer via camera. I like quality and am just interested in what models would be best and their pirces. Right now, I’m open to suggestions but am not interested in anything that is going to cost thousands and thousands of dollars. I want to take pictures of Windstones, critters, nature etc–what I see here.

      Your help would be appreciated! 🙂


        Greater Basilisk… “He’s cute?” yikes! lol 😆

        LadyFirebird… kodak easy share… 😉


        What?! He is! Or she… whatever. One of these days I still hope for a chance to pick up and handle one of those babies. 😀


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          What?! He is! Or she… whatever. One of these days I still hope for a chance to pick up and handle one of those babies. 😀

          YIKES! 😮

          I is a non-spider lover… and the bigger they are the more they creep me out! lol

          I have seen at least 4 of them this year so far… none in the house though, thank God!

          Did you know that they can jump 4 feet just because they want to? YIKES! 😮


          It’s funny – a while back I went through several site dedicated to tarantula keeping, seeing all the different kinds and markings they have, the proper way to keep them… And then there was a picture of a guy gently holding his pet tarantula. He’s got a pic handful of fuzz.
          I’d want to try it too. There are a couple different ways


            twindragonsmum 8)



              twindragonsmum wrote:

              twindragonsmum 8)

              LOL Agreed! XD


              I have heard the Rebel is a great camera and that seems to be quite true seeing your great pics!

              I’m hoping to get one someday, though my Fuji FinePix S7000 is a great SLR and I’ve used it for years…kinda hard to give something up when it has sentimental value… 😀


                I went to Bardwing’s house to drop off a Keeper she had me paint, and while I was there, I got to photo some of her loverly birds!

                This lovely hen actualy has no eyes! no accident, she was born that way. And I think she is what inspired one monster of a scifi dream i had a few nights after.

                Peacocks and Peahens from Bardwing
                Why helo ladies!

                Sorry, she is just not THAT into you.

                How about now, ladies?

                Still no.

                a snake I caught earlier in the year. I do a lot of catch-release as i like to call it. I don’t have the set up for a reptile, even though i wish I could, but I love catching local reptile to take photos and then releasing them.


                  Wow! I say it again, Koishi your photography is a phenomenon! It’s so great! 😀
                  Gorgious birds! 🙂
                  And that last picture of the snake is my favorite!


                  Ditto the compliments. The birds are lovely – or interesting, in the case of the hen – but I like the snake best.


                    Very nice!!


                    beautiful photos! i love the crisp and vividness of them. like you would see in magazine. you are very talented!


                      thank you very much for your compliments guys!


                        Those photos are great! I have serious chicken envy.

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