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      I did that pic for Easter, then forgot to download and post it 😛 And no they are not free to a good home 😉

      Everything is late here too. It’s been a cold and wet/snowy spring. I lost a bunch of tulip blooms and leaf tips to frost a month ago. It is currently raining, has been for the last 4 days, and they are forcasting the possibility of snow this weekend 🙁


      That’s a lovely tree, foxfeather. And the basket of hatchlings is very fitting to Easter. 😆


      The storm over water is awesome BDW. I love the basket w/hatchers Fox!


        DragonMistress wrote:

        KoishiiKitty wrote:

        and an Otter mum with her baby(can we have another photo contest now pls??? just kidding)

        OH OH OH!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLL!!!!! I LOVE OTTERS!!!! are you by monteray?

        3 hour drive from it.


          I /adore/ Monterey. 😀


            ok, so I have taken lots of photos, but things have been so busy that i have not been able to keep up with posting here. but you can find them here:

            so one of the things that happened since i last posted some photos is that I went down to help my Aunt with my mom. My uncle had a stroke, so while he was in the hospital we went down to help with the family. That is a big thing becuase they are the type family members i am sure every one has. Living space is some what of a biohazard. On top of that, mom and I got sick while we were down there with a horrible flue…but on the day we were going to leave, mom treated me to going to Sea World. She knows i terribly love marine life and really had been wanting to go see the Orca’s especialy..

            so here we are, terribly misserably sick and surviving on excedren to keep it tollerable..and we go to Sea World on a nice hot day. I got some pretty decent photos, and despite being sick….I was beyong thrilled to see so much wild life. So here are some of the photos:

            and one of the flowers from my moms garden:

            And lastly, Foxfeather I loved your photos! I hope you do not mind, I took two of them and tweeked them with my computer:


              KoishiiKitty wrote:

              and one of the flowers from my moms garden:

              I’love these Koishii they are great! 😀


                Those jellyfish are awesome!!


                  I love jellyblobs. But what is that one chick doing to the other?? 😯


                    Jasmine wrote:

                    I love jellyblobs. But what is that one chick doing to the other?? 😯

                    you mean the ducklings?


                      KoishiiKitty wrote:

                      Jasmine wrote:

                      I love jellyblobs. But what is that one chick doing to the other?? 😯

                      you mean the ducklings?

                      Yup, that just ain’t right. (sorry, i’m tired and get weird when I’m tired…or more weird…)


                        Jasmine wrote:

                        KoishiiKitty wrote:

                        Jasmine wrote:

                        I love jellyblobs. But what is that one chick doing to the other?? 😯

                        you mean the ducklings?

                        Yup, that just ain’t right. (sorry, i’m tired and get weird when I’m tired…or more weird…)

                        lol. they actualy are only walking side by side. there was a mom and ducklings and these two were ahead of the group and a little confused, so the two sibling ducklings were sticking real close to eachother as they walked through the crowd of people.


                          Anyone ask for color? All that wonderful rain made these guys POP! 😀


                            Koishii – I don’t mind you playing with my pics at all (so long as you’re not making millions off them and not shareing! 😛 )

                            More from my garden

                            The Side Flower bed


                            Big Purple Ones – We have 5 beds of these

                            Yoyos – Early Dwarf, about 8″ tall

                            Red Zinger – got beaten up but the hail a bit the night before

                            Bleeding Hearts

                            White Bleeding Hearts (I caved in and bought it, even though it will probably live in it’s pot for awhile till I can get the Flower bed fixd up)


                              foxfeather wrote:

                              Red Zinger – got beaten up but the hail a bit the night before

                              Oh I really like this color! 😀 They remind me of the ones I have but I really like the yellow inside! 😯

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