nothing was covering it, but they do not seem to nest and i have seen them hudled together in different places before. normaly i would not do this, but being early in the morning it was really cold…there was almost not way they could fly yet.
nothing was covering it, but they do not seem to nest and i have seen them hudled together in different places before. normaly i would not do this, but being early in the morning it was really cold…there was almost not way they could fly yet.
Bees or wasp… Eek! Finding the nest can be tricky sometimes… I remember I was driving in the Summer and had the windows down, I felt something on my finger and I just moved it…. then I looked down! 😯 It was a wasp looking up at me, wagging its tail…. OH MY! I pulled over, opened my door… brushed it off my leg… SLAMMED THE DOOR and took off! 😯
Blackdesertwind, great pics of the blue jay!!! 🙂
This is the horse I ride, his name is Allegro.
most of my Breyer horses
another horse at the barn I volunteer at, an arabian pony, Coco
My baby leopard gecko, Gerard!
mwahahaha. here is my knew pet. PERFECT for practicing some Macro since she stays still for minutes at a time. I still need to get a photo of her red hourglass.