
Pet Pics!! just for fun

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    lmao I thought this was funny and had to post…

    XD It’s Echo sleeping, but the way her tail is bent looks so wrong XDDD (it’s broken and permanently bent that way)

    sorry if this picture looks too erm, wrong to post here ^^;;;


      They’ve posted “bug porn” on here in the past :roll:, so that’s nothing. 8)


      That patched tabby pic is cute. That’s the kind of cat my husband wants (scottish fold?).
      Bug porn? 🙄
      I’ll keep my mouth shut on that one. 😆

      My most wanted list: Peacock kitty wizard, carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


        Yes bug porn the new people missed SSSOOO much


        Hehe. Then I guess it’s a bummer that I’m new!

        My most wanted list: Peacock kitty wizard, carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


          You might be able to do a search for it NirvanaCat13 was deadly with it


            I finally got a chance to upload some pictures. Here’s my babies

            First the dogs

            Alf with Easter Gal in the background. She was literally a few days from being starved to death when we got her

            Alf and Scruffy. Alf and his sister (no longer with us) were left in a ditch off the highway not to far from us. Scruffy was dropped in the road in front of our house. He was covered with warts and looked awful

            Sienna our Older Chocolate Lab The only dog we actually bought 😀

            Sara She was rescued from being put down

            Alf again. Guess which one is my baby 😉


            Now for the cats. We used to have nine. Than kept it a t seven for years. Now grumpy aka my husband says no more replacing cats when we lose one. So we are down to five

            Mozart with catnip

            Picasso close up

            Hobbit Shoulda been born in the 60’s His whole attitue is like, Whoa or What?

            Tsunami on her favorite perch

            Tsunami and Picasso taking in the view

            My sweet little Mocha. She weighs about 4 and 1/2 pounds. She is mostly fur 😆 She was a feral kitten. We’ve had her 11 years and she is still pretty skittish

            Picasso again


            And last the Horses

            Easter Gal. Still a bit thin That is my daughter on her.

            Scout ( my TW horse)



            I couldn’t find any photos of Banjo. I’ll post some later


            …okay I just looked at the bug pictures in the other thread. *shudders, itches all over* I feel like I need a shower now. If only I wasn’t terrified of getting wet. *flails*

            Khat, Picasso looks almost exactly like I cat I used to have about seven years ago named Mandy. We had to find her and five of our other cats new homes cause we couldn’t take them all when we moved. We only kept one, Kari (see my post a few pages back). I wish we’d kept Mandy instead of Kari cause Kari annoys the crap out of me and everybody else. XD;


            PaperCut wrote:

            …okay I just looked at the bug pictures in the other thread. *shudders, itches all over* I feel like I need a shower now. If only I wasn’t terrified of getting wet. *flails*

            Khat, Picasso looks almost exactly like I cat I used to have about seven years ago named Mandy. We had to find her and five of our other cats new homes cause we couldn’t take them all when we moved. We only kept one, Kari (see my post a few pages back). I wish we’d kept Mandy instead of Kari cause Kari annoys the crap out of me and everybody else. XD;

            Is Kari extremely affectionate and doesn’t know when to quit? That would be Picasso. Her brother Mozart on the other hand is just demanding. He will come in my room if I am not up early enough to feed him and walk back and forth on me “yelling” until I get up. 🙄 btw I’m very sorry you had to give up your cats. I love all my animals and would have a tough time choosing just one


            I just took a look at the bug porn and I still have goose bumps. I’m terrified of spiders no matter what size they are.
            I love the bats though!! I think that fruit bat is actually a flying fox…I want one. They’re huge!!

            Khat7-you have a very nice collection of animals! I’m glad you were able to rescue the dogs. I hate to see dogs or any animal go through so much like that. Your cats are very cool and so are your horses.

            My most wanted list: Peacock kitty wizard, carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


              😆 😆 😆 I do miss Nirvanacat….


                me too

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