Pet Pics!! just for fun

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    Foxfeather–your Sam looks like a real lovable rascal.
    Papercut–Whisper and Echo look like a great pair–I love the playfighting shots!

    I don’t have a dog anymore, but these are my two Bengal cats, Arun (in front) and Shado (behind).

    And Arun ‘sunbathing’ after a long cloudy spell


      Adaneth wrote:

      And Arun ‘sunbathing’ after a long cloudy spell

      Beautiful pets everyone! Really like the labradors.

      Here is another link to the forums pet pictures:

      I like your cats Adaneth. The one sunbathing reminds me of my cat Raven doing the same. 😆


      I love them all!! If only I had the cash to come see them all I’d come and give them all big hugs! 😆 😆


      Awwwww, your Raven looks like a big fluffy rug there! 😀 😆 So warm and fuzzy!


        Adaneth wrote:

        Foxfeather–your Sam looks like a real lovable rascal.
        Papercut–Whisper and Echo look like a great pair–I love the playfighting shots!

        I don’t have a dog anymore, but these are my two Bengal cats, Arun (in front) and Shado (behind).



          Blackdesertwind wrote:

          I like your cats Adaneth. The one sunbathing reminds me of my cat Raven doing the same. 😆 [/color]

          Blackdesertwind, your Raven reminds me of our kitty angel, Abby (short for “Abby-solutely no tail”) She was our female manx who would get after me if I let my twinners cry when they were babies!



            twindragonsmum wrote:

            Blackdesertwind, your Raven reminds me of our kitty angel, Abby (short for “Abby-solutely no tail”) She was our female manx who would get after me if I let my twinners cry when they were babies!

            Funny you say that my female tabby that I had for 16 years was like that too! If Michel would cry too much she would come after me and then get back to the baby and so on… 🙄 maternal instinct or what? 😆


              the dragon collector wrote:

              awww!! they are all sooo cute!!
              Pegasil1978 I’m sorry you lost your pets…you should get another pet of some sort. I couldn’t live without one.

              My husband and I do want to have pets one day (he wants another Boxer). Where we live right now isn’t very fair to pets (tiny yard) so we are waiting until we get a place that is condusive to animals.


                Here are our two latest babies, Pixel & Lokie. They are litter mates. Pixel is the spotty female tabby and Loki is the lynx point siamese male. The boys are Ethan & Sean (my miracle!) These were taken last summer…..

                twindragonsmum 😀


                  WOW Loki is one breed of cat that I would like to have! Beautiful! I envy you! 😆


                    Thanks! Loki’s coloring is much darker now that he is older. His fur feels like cushy velvet and he loves to snuggle. Pixel’s fur feels like bunny fur. Her stripes aren’t really stipes; they’re spots. She is an excellent mouser and has good ‘mama’ instincts. Love ’em both!

                    twindragonsmum 😀


                    Gorgous cats and boys Twinsdragonsmom…I can’t wait to meet you all in person come spring!



                      for litter mates they do not look anything alike!! WOW!!


                      Those cats are very pretty. I can’t even remember the last time I owned a cat that size. All of mine are huge! How old are they??


                        Thanks guys, for the compliments! I’ll give the gang loves from you all…. dragon collector, they will be a year old in March. DM, the interesting thing is that Pixel has a very LOUD Siamese voice, she talks ALL the time but Loki is very quiet; although his purr sounds like a jackhammer….. Kyrin, thanks! I think my boys and cats are pretty gorgeous my own self! (the girls at school are highly interested in Ethan & Sean, much to their dismay….. Not as interested yet as the girls are, tho’ they did attend 2 school dances and made certain that their friends of the female persuassion all had a chance to dance…. *sigh, my babies are growing up and turning into such gentlemen*

                        twindragonsmum 😀

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