Pet Pics!! just for fun

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    twindragonsmum wrote:

    LOOK!!!! Another M.C. Escher!

    Some brand spanking new Degu babies!

    Cute furry babies!

    twindragonsmum 😀

    😆 😆 You’re right about that!!

    I like all of those pets you have drag0n. The black kitty reminds me of my little black cat who recently passed away…on Super Bowl Sunday of all days. 🙁


      Aww, too cute!


        Sure he couldn’t be part Japanese Bobtail instead? 😈


          Here are all my babies…. 😀

          IF YOU CLICK ON THE PICS THEY WILL ENLARGE…. 🙂 I still haven’t figured out how to make them bigger.. 😳

          This is Maks….he is really spoiled…he sleeps in our bed and he gets whatever he wants…he must have about 10 stuffed animals all over the hous plus his other dod toys. He refuses to go out in the rain and he does not like snow… 😆

          And here is Monster ( The bearded Dragon) and Bud & Wyser(The Turtles)….these guys just enjoy hanging out together… 😀



          Aww Maks is very cute- I cant see the bearded dragon though.

          Heres some pictures I took the other day of my baby Isabelle.

          Her eyes look so pretty in that one

          How sweet is that?

          And she tried to eat it haha.
          Had to take it away from her. Luckily I got the roses at whole foods and there wasnt any pesticides on the flowers.


            She’s a pretty lady and I love her pearl collar, VB: -)



            lamortefille wrote:

            She’s a pretty lady and I love her pearl collar, VB: -)


            Thanks, she likes the pearls too lol. Though shes getting a new collar for her birthday next month, a pink spiked collar that she can wear with some pink pearls. It will be adorable. 😆
            Shes going to be 17!


              VampireBiscuits wrote:

              lamortefille wrote:

              She’s a pretty lady and I love her pearl collar, VB: -)


              Thanks, she likes the pearls too lol. Though shes getting a new collar for her birthday next month, a pink spiked collar that she can wear with some pink pearls. It will be adorable. 😆
              Shes going to be 17!

              17! That’s a wonderful age for a cat. I hope she has many more B-days, too. 😀 You’ll have to post a pic when she gets her new collar.


                Did you make her collar or purchase it ready made? It’s beautiful and it’s the sort of thing I make. Mostly I do for humans, but I have one pierced earrings for my neighbhors rotty and a sapphire collar for a friends Myna Bird (and yes, they were real jewels!) I love Charlotte (myna) she flies free in the house, teases the cat by barking like the dog, teases the dog by ringing like the phone and the second anyone walks into the house she starts in with “I can talk, can you fly?” She’s a doll! Pretty kitty collar! and gorgeous kitty baby!

                twindragonsmum 😀


                twindragonsmum wrote:

                Did you make her collar or purchase it ready made? It’s beautiful and it’s the sort of thing I make. Mostly I do for humans, but I have one pierced earrings for my neighbhors rotty and a sapphire collar for a friends Myna Bird (and yes, they were real jewels!) I love Charlotte (myna) she flies free in the house, teases the cat by barking like the dog, teases the dog by ringing like the phone and the second anyone walks into the house she starts in with “I can talk, can you fly?” She’s a doll! Pretty kitty collar! and gorgeous kitty baby!

                twindragonsmum 😀

                Oh, I love that! “I can talk, can you fly?” 😆 😆


                lamortefille wrote:

                VampireBiscuits wrote:

                lamortefille wrote:

                She’s a pretty lady and I love her pearl collar, VB: -)


                Thanks, she likes the pearls too lol. Though shes getting a new collar for her birthday next month, a pink spiked collar that she can wear with some pink pearls. It will be adorable. 😆
                Shes going to be 17!

                17! That’s a wonderful age for a cat. I hope she has many more B-days, too. 😀 You’ll have to post a pic when she gets her new collar.

                Yeah it is, and shes still going strong! She had her bloodwork done a few months ago at the vets and they say shes perfectly healthy, just a bit overwieght, but we’ve had her on a strict diet and shes lost a couple pounds since we’ve had her on it over the past few years. (a good rate for a cat).
                And I will post pictures when she gets her new present!

                twindragonsmum wrote:

                Did you make her collar or purchase it ready made? It’s beautiful and it’s the sort of thing I make. Mostly I do for humans, but I have one pierced earrings for my neighbhors rotty and a sapphire collar for a friends Myna Bird (and yes, they were real jewels!) I love Charlotte (myna) she flies free in the house, teases the cat by barking like the dog, teases the dog by ringing like the phone and the second anyone walks into the house she starts in with “I can talk, can you fly?” She’s a doll! Pretty kitty collar! and gorgeous kitty baby!


                The pearls shes wearing in the picture were from petco ($6 apiece) and I havnt bought her spiked one yet though, but I know the store I’m getting it from.
                I didnt know you made that kind of thing, do you have a website or something where I can look?

                Isabel is almost always wearing something fashionable lol.

                The ruff was custom made for her

                She looks like she smiling in this one

                Dapper kitty 😆

                Shes always looking for more outfits/accessories.
                I think my snake and rats are glad I cant do this with them haha.


                Danny Boy honestly loves to wear things! He just loves the attention that he gets. Romeo on the other hand hates to wear a collar… I can’t imagine him wearing anything other than a collar or his halter.

                Your cat is adorable!


                  She’s so cute!! My cats would never hold still if I tried to dress them up. 😆


                  Romeodanny wrote:

                  Danny Boy honestly loves to wear things! He just loves the attention that he gets. Romeo on the other hand hates to wear a collar… I can’t imagine him wearing anything other than a collar or his halter.

                  Your cat is adorable!

                  Aww thats cute. 🙂 Isabelle likes it most of the time, but some of the time she is just not in the moood haha.

                  Jasmine wrote:

                  She’s so cute!! My cats would never hold still if I tried to dress them up. 😆

                  Haha I know I’m lucky my arms aren’t covered in scratches.


                    Isabelle is very pretty. It’s nice that she dresses up. The smiling pic with the pink is very cute. I like her name too. 😀

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