
Pet Pics!! just for fun

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    **I’m just gonna redo this!**** Pay no attention to the FUBAR’d post!!


      Dragon Mistress, your pics are not showing up.


      Hmm…they’re showing up for me…are you just getting red x’s? there on photobucket, maybe it wasn’t working before. I can post the links if it doesn’t work again, try it now.


        I can see them fine DragonMistress.


        Oh hey, I forgot I had some videos of some of my pets on Youtude. 8D;

        http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cILyOTQwfcw (I don’t have this cat (Hachi) any more (had to find him a new home cause he was attacking one of our other cats all the time), but this is funny XD)~

        http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwmmm38ZWLw (you can see the volcano in this vid o.o)

        We don’t live at that house any more (moved last August). I should get some new videos. XD

        oh god… watch the end of this one XDDD


        I love looking at pets 🙂 These are mine…



        And Finnley


        I like your betta. I have two that I have yet to post pics of.

        My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


          Pretty kitties!


            DragonMistress wrote:

            Hmm…they’re showing up for me…are you just getting red x’s? there on photobucket, maybe it wasn’t working before. I can post the links if it doesn’t work again, try it now.

            I get little boxes that say “this picture has been deleted” or something like that. No pictures.


            New ones of my boys! I weighed them, Pooze (Caleb) is 14.2 lbs, Moke (Smokey) is 15.6 lbs, My beasts!!!
            Pooze thinks he’s a land otter

            This is Moke, he likes to groom me

            They have been taught to sit, and then stand on their hind legs to get treats, I swear they’re like dogs sometimes

            The little one is my brother’s cat BeeBee, more commonly referred to as “HEY! NO BITING!” I swear she is the mean kitty from the song, five seconds after I took this she bit Pooze’s nose. Brat.[/]

            **EDIT~ I move the pics to a diffrent album and screwed up the original linking. Try it now, it should work! (I hope)


              they look like little furry lions! 😀 😀


              Pooze gets shaved in the summer, and looks like a lion! I leave the ruff and the furry tail tip. He’s crazy, he Luuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrvvvvvvvvvvss the electric clippers. Wierdo! and they fight over who gets to go in the tub first, seriously, I have to switch off, or they’ll both jump in the tub! Try washing 30 pounds of long haired kitty!


                Snort! Lol….he looks so funny that way!!! I cant imagine 30 lbs of cat in the tub…my 11 lb cats are much more vehement and powerful than youd think when they are fighting bathing. I dont bath them anymore now that they are adults, but mine are short haired. 🙂


                Oh DragonMistress I snorted out loud at your pictures! What ADORABLE little furries you have! I just want to rub that tummy in the first pic!


                Thank you! They’re really cuddly too, very affectionate!

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