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      I rarely complain about anything here but I have a request to my fellow members.When someone gets a piece,whether it be by buying,trading or raffles,PLEASE be nice and sweet and don’t harass the owner.If someone says no,then please respect that.It hurts and makes for ill wills when someone will not stop asking.I am not posting this to start complaints,I am just asking from the bottom of my heart to treat each other nicely and with respect.I don’t believe a single soul here gets every piece they want so when something you truly love goes right on by,wave to it,blow it kiss,and say Hey,what a great piece!Congrats!I understand the WANT,boy do I, but please let’s not do things to each other that makes the other person very uncomfortable.I understand why some members don’t show their collections.Please,let’s just be happy for each other.Thank you for reading and please don’t get upset,not my intention.Maybe this is in the wrong place,sorry,but it is Windstone related.Thank you.

      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
      (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
      Male day🤞Dream on.


        I agree. Some members have received some of my Grail and “I’d DIE for That!” pieces but I deal by taking screen shots and putting them in an electronic ‘scrapbook’ of my Favorites. I look through them when I want to get inspiration or just to dream…
        No one likes vultures circling…

        Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
        Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

        *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
        *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


          I fully agree with this.
          I am fine if someone sees something I have, if they want to send a quick, one time message saying “Oh, I love that! If you ever sell please keep me in mind”.
          But if I say it is in it’s forever home. That’s it, it is staying. Period. All the messages in the world wont be changing that. And really, if I start getting 101 messages over something, I tend to get annoyed and don’t want to work with that person over any item I might be willing to sell or trade.
          So yes, if you see something and have already been told it is in its forever home or that someone else has already requested to be the first informed if it ever sells, take pictures, add it to a scrap book and wish it well in it’s new home.

          Thank you Bodine for starting this post!

          Looking for:


            Yeah I’ve learned that too. If I see a piece I love and someone doesn’t say if it’s for sale or trade, sometimes I will send a message asking about it or letting them know if they ever want to sell or trade I am interested and I leave it at that. Sometimes it’s worked out if someone says they are looking for another favourite piece that I come across or trade for that they will end up trading me at some point. But if someone says something is in a forever home, I don’t message about it unless it happens to come up for trade or sale later on, which sometimes happens. I have had pieces I didn’t think I would trade or sell that I changed my mind about after a couple years. But I agree, one polite message showing interest isn’t bad if it’s not specified it’s in a forever home but if it is or if you get a no then leave it at that and either try and find a piece you love more or just have positive thoughts maybe one day you will end up with that piece if it’s meant to be.

            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


              And please be realistic: If you send a note to someone saying “If you decide to sell, think of me”, and that person has no intention of selling at the time, chances are, your message will simply be deleted after a while. So if that person decides much, much later to sell, well, he or she won’t remember who was interested at the time.

              Yes, it did happen to me! I did decide to sell a piece I never thought I would and lo and behold, someone had approached me about it years before and I had no clue who it was. So I simply put it up in the classifieds… and I’m pretty sure the person who had be interested at the time didn’t contact me about it!

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                Oh, I have been on the end of some really annoying badgering about pieces where I have eventually had to very firmly tell people not to contact me again. And honestly, if I ever DID sell I’d want it to go to someone else because I wouldn’t want to enforce that if you aggressively pursue someone they’ll eventually cave. I never mind ONE note on a variation of “I know you said the piece is in it’s forever home but if you do every want to trade or sell please contact me.” In the rare occasions I’ve decided to trade or sell, I will always get in touch with a polite person who has expressed interest.

                I totally get it. It sucks to love a piece and not be able to get it. There are two baby unis out there I’m still pretty heartbroken I don’t own. But I’m also an adult who knows how to behave around others. We’ve all lost pieces we love. The idea of a scrapbook StormDancer mentioned above is great. Tons of gorgeous art exists – no one person can have all of it. Just be happy it exists at all!

                Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                ANY Red Eyed Unis
                ANY Test Paint Bat
                The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                Male- Snow Leopard TP
                White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                Mother: Okapi
                Gothic - Mahogany
                PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                  Agreed to all of the above. Additionally, may I please add and respectfully ask just this once…members, if you’re not seriously committed to selling a piece, please don’t list it for sale or offer it (reference to wanted ads) to a prospective buyer only to change your mind. I can understand backing out of buying a piece but I cannot respect backing out of selling one. It’s fishing. It’s unbecoming and it gets the buyer’s hopes up for nothing. Please be respectful and considerate of others on both matters in this thread.


                    Agreed with all above! Well said.


                      I believe we all feel the same on this issue and for those that do harass members for their pieces are not doing yourselves any good.Please do not do this.We are all in love with Windstones or we would not be here and we all get “Dang! I missed out on that one” but low and behold,another WOWZA will come along and sometimes you are grateful you did miss out on the last one.Let us just love and appreciate what we do have ok?? Bugging someone for something is not going to get it for you.No two collections are the same and having even just one beautiful work of art is a true pleasure in itself.Thanks for listening and understanding.

                      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                      (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                      Male day🤞Dream on.


                        I believe we all feel the same on this issue and for those that do harass members for their pieces are not doing yourselves any good.Please do not do this.We are all in love with Windstones or we would not be here and we all get “Dang! I missed out on that one” but low and behold,another WOWZA will come along and sometimes you are grateful you did miss out on the last one.Let us just love and appreciate what we do have ok?? Bugging someone for something is not going to get it for you.No two collections are the same and having even just one beautiful work of art is a true pleasure in itself.Thanks for listening and understanding.

                        In addition to this. You also get very kind people that, out of the blue, offer a trade or sale for one of your favs because they remembered you loved it and thought of you first. P.s. thanks Mary, Jmoore and James 🙂
                        And the St Patty’s PIF raffle has inspired me to do something like it with my pyo’s. I will announce when my project when it is finished in the PYO section. 🙂
                        Thank you Bodine for your thoughts. I did have some really badger for things I had. I knew they just let their desire get ahold of them and I’m in sales myself so while it was irritating, I understood and could handle it (my choice). I am upset though if it affected others because of what I had (not their choice) and I apologize for anyone harassed without my knowledge. Or if someone feels ever that I hurt them please come to me respectfully through pm or email. I still consider myself pretty new to the forums so please let me know. I get super upset if I think I’ve hurt anyone’s feelings and definitely don’t ever want to do that. Thank you for listening!


                          In my opinion I feel its alright to drop a PM or make a post saying you would love to be considered if the owner ever wants to trade/sell piece. Harrassment is never good.
                          I have had pieces I never thought in a million years would trade or sell but have so dont mind being asked/knowing if its a piece someone really wants. For the few pieces I have really wanted I put up a want ad. If I dont get contacted I remove post. I figure a) person is not forum member or b) they dont want to trade and scared I will harrass them lol I wont 🙂
                          Its better having the owner of a piece say no then to keep posting for wanted piece thinking its a person who perhaps didnt see your post or new forum member who may not have seen your post from before.
                          I have been absent on and off for years so dont check classifieds or forum posts so may not have seen wanted ads for my pieces.
                          If I have been told no I dont ask again but unfortunately others dont so people may get guarded posting their collections which is sad. I have just recently started showing some of my collection as I have finally been able to unpack a little of it.
                          Anyways thats my two cents. 🙂


                            So I’ve been looking through the old eBay threads at Test Pieces and I’m wondering if I’ll be stepping on any toes if I post a want ad for some of them. Seems like many people have want ads that they keep continuously updated, but I’ve only been on here about a year, so I have no idea who may own what and/or what is a “never sell”, and I’m worried that putting up a want ad would be considered badgering, when really I have no intention of being annoying about it. I plan on putting the standard “if you own this and don’t want to sell, just let me know and I’ll remove it from the ad,” sort of thing, but since a lot of these pieces are older, I’m wondering if I should even bother putting them on my want list at all.

                            On the other side, I’ve picked up a few tests so far and I’ve answered a couple ads to let people know I had something they were looking for. In one case it ended in a trade, and in another I let them know they’d be the first to be contacted if I ever parted with that piece. It was all civil – and worked out great in regards to the trade as far as I’m concerned – I just hope the other parties felt the same.


                              I don’t think it hurts at all to do a wanted ad with pictures of test pieces or special pieces or even grab bags that you see and like. You never know who may have them and if they do and don’t want to sell, they can let you know. With grab bags too sometimes they end up trading a few times to different people so if you put up an ad you are interested in certain pieces, you never know who might have one that might re-trade it or sell it. I have pictures of a bunch of pieces I would love to own and was thinking of doing a wanted ad or something myself. I have seen ads like that before too. I have contacted people before if I had a grab bag or special piece they liked and I wanted to sell or trade. I have also let a couple people know before I had pieces they liked in a forever home but would let them know if I changed my mind and then they just took the photos off their want list or ad of those ones.

                              Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                                I do not see a problem with posting an ad,we just do not like someone badgering over and over.It is very uncomfortable but to ask if a piece is available and your desire to acquire it is in no way a problem.That is what the “want”section is for I believe.

                                Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                                (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                                Male day🤞Dream on.


                                  I always like seeing “Want” ads so I know who might be interested in something in my collection. Even if I’m not planning to let a piece go it is good information to have.

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