Peacock Emperor restoration, lots of pics!

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      You did a great job. That arm looks wonderful! I cant wait to see him repainted. How sturdy are the resculpted parts? Do they crumble pretty easy, or would he withstand, say, shipping?


        That’s looking great. Can’t wait to see him repainted.


        Skigod asks….

        How sturdy are the resculpted parts? Do they crumble pretty easy,

        I’m not Zelda, but I can answer part of this. Any actual parts that she resculpted with Apoxiesculpt are much stronger than the original as long as it was mixed correctly. I don’t know about where they join to the sculpture.

        When Apoxiesculpt finishes “curing” it’s hard as a rock and very durable. You can use it for making outdoor sculptures (weather resistant), and you can even make decorative pottery and use the low-temp pottery glazes because you can heat the stuff to 500 degrees.


          That’s very good to know! I was wondering that myself. Thanks mikki!


          I agree with Mikki, Apoxiesculpt is the strongest modeling material I’ve worked with yet. Much better than polymer clay, and it’ll air dry instead of having to be baked. It’s cure time is longer than plaster, about half an hour, so it’s easier to go back and put details in before the final cure. Even if I’m not filling in cracks, but rather working with chips or thin sheets, the Apoxiesculpt sticks to the plaster very well, I haven’t been able to break it off.

          I have no doubt that the Apoxiesculpt would withstand shipping, however the rest of the piece is doubtful. Unfortunately once the piece as a whole has been compromised, it’s much weaker. There are probably tiny stress fractures in the sculpt that don’t show on the surface, but could become larger under too much stress. At this time of the year, the weather also plays a small factor. Subjecting a piece to cold temps, then bringing it into a warmer space with no adjustment period could also widen those cracks. Just like what freezing and thawing does to pavement, really. The weakest part of the piece right now are the points where the broken tail segments are held together by glue. I’ll just have to be sure to pack him well when I move!

          Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


            I can attest to Apoxiesculpt shipping well. Kyrin used it to repair my griffin’s feet (where pieces were missing) and it shipped back to me just fine.

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