Peacock Emperor for Sale on Web site

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      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      I meant your website with the Windstones for sale. You have a clean, uncluttered layout with real-life pictures and it’s nice to see how many of what are in stock on some colors and sculpts. Just – why don’t you do the “x in stock in this color” for every sculpt?

      I do. The ones that have nothing on them are not in stock and will need to be ordered. That’s just how I show that. I don’t want to say zero in stock because it may keep people from ordering, and it only takes a week to get something in. I don’t have a regular store front, so I can’t afford to keep everything in stock.

      Thanks for the compliments on the Web site. I did it myself and maintain it myself. Btw, the button idea won’t work because I can’t seem to make the buttons smaller or for two lines… hmm… just thought of something. I’ll have to try it. I’ll let you know if it works.


      So if it’s not specifically mentioned it needs to be ordered? That’s good to know. And you’re right, actually saying so might keep people from buying. But now I know. 🙂


        And it only takes about a week. I mention on my Contact Us page that people should allow 3-4 weeks for delivery in case it’s not in stock, but I don’t think a lot of people read it.

        I also have directions for international buyers on my Contact Us page, but you can always contact me here, if you want something too.


        Thanks, emerald. International shipping always costs a fortune, so if I order, I’d have you send it to Wolfen. I’ll keep you in mind, but my CC is about maxed for this month.


          OK. Just fyi…


          I have a Peacock Emperor left too.


          I really think I’m not going to buy any emperor until I can actually go into a store and pick him up and pack him myself for the flight home. I don’t want his legs to get broken in the mail like Wolfen’s were…


            Yeah, same here. Well, and I’m after the gold one. I never wanted an emperor at all until I saw him. *drool* But I have to save up. I haven’t got nearly enough just now.


              Okay. Peacock Mother, Lap, and Fledgling left, and that’s it of the retired colors.

              New button idea did not work, darn it.

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