Paypal verification, how do you deal with it?

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    “Ms. Hutchison said that the verification process is evolving and that users can now be verified without giving bank account information or acquiring a PayPal credit card. But amazingly, that option never shows up on any online menu. It’s available only to people annoyed enough to call or write. ”

    SWEET! Annoyed enough to call, that’s me! Thanks for the awesome source :bigsmile:


    Okay, finally got this taken care of. Here is how I managed it in case this information is useful to others.

    So calling about this other option for verification was less than fruitful. The so-called customer service person just insisted a credit card and linking a bank account were the only options. I emailed paypal and got a useless instant response with just the basic verification information. I replied to this email and finally got someone in customer service named Linda. Linda told me the third option is to qualify for bill me later. But awesome lady named Linda also waived my spending limit entirely without me having to do anything else because my account is in good standing and I’ve been a customer for almost a decade. So there is hope, and I hope this helps other people.


    I verified my account. Then because it defaults to debit and I didn’t always remember to switch it I got dinged overdraft a couple times. So I removed my bank account off of my paypal. It still says I’m verified even though I no longer have a bank account assigned to it. I don’t know if they have some way of retaining that info after it’s removed or what but I haven’t had a charge to my bank account since. It might be a way to compromise. Attach an account wait for their test payment and then remove it.

    This is sort of what I did, I linked to my bank account, but about 3 years later I closed said bank account, they tried to access it once and asked me to remove it, I did and they have never asked me for a new one.

    Just a side note on your sisters CCD situation, they would have taken that money off of her CCD or left her paypal in a negative balance, one way or another they would have gotten the money from her.

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