OW sale over – Ruby Lap for sale!

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    EDIT: Most of the OWs have found new homes. Thanks!

    Well folks, I’ve decided to break up my OW collection. That is to say, I’ve already done so. Some of you may have seen the BEP OW listed on E-Bay; he didn’t sell.
    All my OWs are for sale; here are the rock-bottom prices. Payment plans are absolutely no problem. You have to be aware that shipping these guys costs seventy franks a piece; I’ll only charge you $50 but I can’t do combined shipped and it’s still somewhat pricey. They’ll be double boxed and come with their original boxes and tags; insurance and a tracking number are automatically included. All of them are mint.
    I have offers on some of these pieces already, so don’t wait around to PM me! Prices in red have been offered.



      🙁 So sad for you.Sad for myself too 🙁 I want the white one,too late though…..
      They are all so fine,sorry.

      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
      (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
      Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


      Aw, it’s okay, Bodine. I probably won’t be able to sell all of them – and even if I do, I still have my Spectral collection, my gargoyles and candlelamps and a couple smaller pieces. Furnishing the chalet in the style I plan to will cost money, so the OWs are going to good new homes.


      These guys are going fast. The Emerald, Ruby, White, and Rainbow OWs are sold; my Peacock and Brown OWs are already on their way to new homes.


      Dang I missed a brown ow!! 🙄 😥


        Oh, how I wish I could get that BEP OW. I wish Melody would make some limited production ones, like she did for the BVPs. 😥 😥 😥

        I’m glad they are finding homes though. 🙂 Good luck on furnishing the new home. 😀


        Wow…I missed this thread. Or should I say I missed those pretty OW’s already spoken for. 😳
        Oh, and GB, thank you for the package that showed up today…I already had to fend off the monsters around here. 😆


        Package… Oh! Package! You’re very welcome; I hope it arrived more or less intact. 🙂


        Yep…I tried the caramel one already…I horded them into my paint cart. 😀


        😀 Enjoy! They’re great to nibble on while you’re painting, or reading, or doing just about anything.


        When I looked at them I gained 10 pounds…I can’t imagine being able to nibble much more before I go into a chocolate induced coma and gobble! XD


        The BEP OW will be going to a new home. 😀


          GB I am glad you are able to sell the OW’s but am sad that you have to part with them.

          Previously the emperor was my favorite but one day I decided to order the brown OW because that was the color my first Windstones were and when he arrived I fell in love with him and ordered the gold and white ones. Then that didn’t satisfy me because since then I also got the red fire, black/gold, rainbow and peacock and just keep watching and hoping for an amethyst one


          The emerald was the first OW I saw, though the Peacock was the first one I bought. I still love the sculpt, but since it’s so big I simply won’t have room for all of them in my new place. That is to say, books take precedence.
          The RF is as good as sold now too, so I’ll still have my Gold, EmPea and Black Gold OWs. I love the latter two colors; I’ll sell the Gold at a later date. And since several of the sold ones are being paid for in installments, I’ll get to enjoy them a while longer. 🙂

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