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      So last weekend we adopted a baby red eared slider…he was in really bad shape and the people who had him wanted to let him go in the lake… 😑 In the middleof the winter… 😑
      As mush as we did not want to take him we could just let him die out there so we gave him a new home… πŸ™‚

      He’s really tiny and we think he’s got a disease cause he’s not very active and he sleeps all day…and on top of all that he’s not eating, for the first three days I didn’t even see him open his beak… πŸ™ Poor little fella… πŸ™
      His shell is also very soft and scraped up on the top… πŸ™

      We already have to large redeared sliders that I have had since they were really small and they were always very active, sooo i just dunno.

      We decided to get him the heat lamp and a UV light as well as a bigger tank with some small extra’s, since we put the lights on him h’s gotten a bit more active and is starting to swim around a bit more but I am still really worried… πŸ™
      I am just hoping that he will get btter and survive, so we plan on keeping him clean and warm cuse for now he’s not eating anything but yesterday I noticed he opened his beak under water so at least he’s drinking…. πŸ™‚

      Here are some pics of before…when we forst got him home….

      And here are some pics of his new home…. πŸ™‚





          Aw, he’s adorable! It’s so nice that you’ve taken him in and are giving him a chance – I hope he gets better soon. I love his little tail!


          He’s adorable, hopefully he makes it πŸ™‚


            Awww He’s Cute! Hope all goes well!!!


            Aww he’s so tiny and cute! I’m really glad you gave him a home! Can’t believe his old owners were just gonna dump him! 😑


            People are stupid and thoughtlessly cruel. I’m glad you took him in.

            Good luck and I hope he gets better.


              πŸ™‚ He’s cute Mloda! I hope he makes it.


                Thanks everyone…I hope so too, I was told at the pet store today to leave his UV light on straight for 7 days, so i think i’ll try it over the weekend and see if it does anything for him… :scratch:



                  Oh, he is a cutie!


                  Poor little guy! πŸ™ Reminds me of when I had turtles. I hope he bounces back for you!


                  Me again. 😳 I just remembered something–do you give your turtles cuttlebone for calcium for their shells? It might do this poor guy some good, since you say his shell is soft and growing turtles sure need calcium!


                    I love turtles! I used to have one just like that. When summer came, we put her out on the deck in this large rubbermaid container, with her rock and all, so she could sun herself. This is where I learned that overnight, it would’ve been a good idea to put the lid (with added holes) on, ’cause racoons love turtles too. I served my turtle on a platter πŸ˜₯

                    Anyway… I think you’re doing everything right: heat, supplements, food. I think she’ll be fine.

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                      Adaneth wrote:

                      Me again. 😳 I just remembered something–do you give your turtles cuttlebone for calcium for their shells? It might do this poor guy some good, since you say his shell is soft and growing turtles sure need calcium!

                      :scratch: By cuddlebone you mean the kind that you would get for a bird…? if so than no I don’t have a cuddlebone for him but I did but this white looking turtle ( i dunno what its called) to put in his water..I was told that will give him calcium and help his shell… πŸ˜‰



                        dragonmedley wrote:

                        I love turtles! I used to have one just like that. When summer came, we put her out on the deck in this large rubbermaid container, with her rock and all, so she could sun herself. This is where I learned that overnight, it would’ve been a good idea to put the lid (with added holes) on, ’cause racoons love turtles too. I served my turtle on a platter πŸ˜₯

                        Anyway… I think you’re doing everything right: heat, supplements, food. I think she’ll be fine.

                        πŸ™‚ yeah we take urs out in the summer too, but ours a really big now except for MINI.. πŸ˜€ So nothing could get to them I don’t think and they are really frisky… πŸ˜€ They hiss alot…. πŸ˜€ But we never leave them out overnight.. πŸ™‚


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