Orphan Kitten

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      Eek! Get her spayed and vaccinated if you are still letting her outside! When you breed or buy, shelter puppies (or kitties) die! Or better yet, keep her inside where she is safe!


        Eek! Get her spayed and vaccinated if you are still letting her outside! When you breed or buy, shelter puppies (or kitties) die! Or better yet, keep her inside where she is safe!

        ^This. Spay ASAP


          OMG, pony-up, that’s so awesome! I have a weak spot for black kitties. <3

          Here are a couple new pictures:
          This was the night I found him, since he was so yucky he had to sleep in this carrier that night with my hoodie:
          I can haz bath:
          He’s all clean and fluffy, time for luvs!:


            So cute!!!! As for my two, as soon as I can afford to momma is going to the vet. If she’s preggers we’ll have to wait, but if not she’ll be getting an appointment for spaying. We don’t let her out at all, even though she keeps trying to get out. Baby Mallory is still too young, but she’ll be getting spayed as soon as she’s old enough 🙂


              He’s all clean and fluffy, time for luvs!:

              Ah yes, nothing makes our men look quite so macho as a cute little fluff ball. You should see my father in law carting around my inlaws toy poodle =)

              Seriously though, very cute pics! :bigsmile:


                Check around for spay/neuter clinics. Sometimes they do low-cost days. You may have to get in line before the sun comes up, but it will save you money. Also, kittens (and puppies) can be fixed as young as six weeks. The Humane Society did the study probably going on 15 years ago – if they could do the surgery before the animals were adopted out, they wouldn’t have to rely on the adopters to bring them back at 6 months. Also, a vet that specializes in spay/neuter gets pretty good. I don’t know where you are, but when we lived in the Bay Area of CA, Palo Alto had a such a clinic – drop them off between 5 and 8 AM, pick them up that afternoon. It was much cheaper than my regular vet, who also wanted to keep the cat overnight.


                Awwww he is so cute! Good for you for rescuing him. Love the stripes.


                  Yay for cute pictures! You can spay even if she is pregnant.


                    But spaying while they are pregnant or in heat increases the bleeding. My vet would only do it if it was an emergency. Being in heat creates more blood around the organs and increases chances of badness.

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                      Oh my goodness! I would NEVER spay an animal while she was pregnant! IF she is pregnant it happened before she moved in with me. I’m really not sure if she is, but she sure Looks like it. Everything I read online said a kitten should be 4 months old before you have it spayed. She’s not in heat and won’t be for some time yet, so I’m not in a big hurry to have it done. Our local Humane Society used to have a program where it only cost $20 to have an animal fixed, but due to lack of money they stopped doing that several years ago.


                      Oh dear. Pony-up, just a heads-up: during the spring and summer, momma cats go back into heat when their kittens are 6 to 8 weeks of age. They are extremely efficient mothers in more ways than one! And they will continue to cycle every 3-4 weeks unless they become pregnant. Because she hasn’t been showing signs of heat, if she got out at all then I suspect that she may indeed be working on her next batch of babies. If she is, just schedule her for her spay to fall at the same time as her kittens turn 5 or 6 weeks old (no later, though), and encourage the little scamps to wean so that they’re not trying to nurse while she is healing. Kittens are capable of starting the weaning process as young as 3 weeks old, so it’s OK to start offering them kitten formula at that age.

                      I knew a family that took every precaution when their fancy purebred cat went into heat before they’d found a suitable mate for her. They almost succeeded, too . . . until the stray tomcat climbed down the chimney. It’s really amazing the lengths cats will go to sometimes.


                        Momma cat hasn’t shown any signs that she’s in heat. I had read that they can get pregnant again just days after birthing, but if that happened she’d already have had another litter. Her kittens looked to be about 5 weeks old when she moved in with us. Shortly after I would have sworn I felt a nearly fully developed kitten inside her so figured she must have gotten pregnant again before coming to us. However, she’s been here 56 days now and I know she would have had them by now. Since we thought she was pregnant anyway, we did let her out twice and she came back about 30 minutes later each time. This was during the day, but I suppose she could have been looking for a date and gotten pregnant then. I was for sure she was already knocked up or else I NEVER would have let her out! 🙁


                          This little kitten is the CUTEST THING EVER!!!! Love those eyes! And the picture of your hubby holding him is adorable.

                          Still waiting to hear…what’s his name???


                            We haven’t figured out his name yet, my boys call him Muffin, my hubby calls him Stripe (like the Gremlin). We’ll figure something out the more we get to know his personality. 🙂

                            Pony-up, ask around about where other people have taken their kitties. Several coworkers told us about a vet that is good AND inexpensive. We actually drove past two other vets to take him to this one. It was a very nice office and when I got my bill it said “Good Samaritan- $28”. That was all they charged to de-bug him and give him his first round of shots and all that other good stuff (they even trimmed his nails!). They did go easy on me since I told them I found him!

                            I forgot to ask the vet when we can get him neutered since I wasn’t sure if he was staying with us. They think he’s about 6 weeks old, so wait a couple more months? I’d like to get it done as soon as it can be done so he doesn’t mark my house.
                            I can’t believe a cat actually came down a chimney for some lovin’, LOL! XD


                              If it was early, I would spay/abort, but I’m used to the shelter vets. We have over 600 animals at the shelter with tons coming in and being killed everyday. Thank you guys so much for adopting these kitties!

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