Orphan Kitten

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      I demand to see kitten cuteness!!

      Rescued cats seem to be much more loving in my experience. You are wonderful for taking the little imp in. Keep us updated on his progress.


        Here are a couple cell phone pictures until I get the good ones uploaded from my camera.
        My boys gave him their happy meal toys to entertain him while he waited for the doctor to come look at him:
        He came over for some luvs:
        The vet said that other than an abundance of fleas he’s in great shape! Looks like we’re going to be keeping him, my hubby is too attached to even offer him to our friend. The vet gave him his shots and some flea control and my hubby gave him a Dawn bath like you guys said to get rid of the flea dirt and other gross stuff (it was cute to watch my big manly hubby use the tiny comb to groom his tiny kitty!). He’s such a sweet kitty! He kept rolling on his back on the vet table to get us to play with him, and the whole car ride there he kept trying to catch his tail! He doesn’t hide or pull away from people either! Currently, my hubby made him a tiny home in our bathroom so he can settle into home life!


        What a little cutie!!


          What a cute little fella! And, he’s very lucky to have found such a good home. What’s his name?

          Life is beautiful.


          What a beautiful marble tabby! He is so blessed to be rescued by people like you and your husband! 🙂


            awr, adorable, good to see it is going to get a nice happy home….

            4 things I'm looking for:
            1. Mother Meerkat
            2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
            3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
            4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


              Awwww…. soooo CUTE!


                I am such a sucker for kittens. And this one looks like my dearly parted Jack. He’s adorable!


                We rescued a couple kittens here too, a little orange tabby male & a tortiseshell calico. They were in terrible shape when we found them, underweight & ill, but they are doing great now. YOur little kitten is adorable, love his fur pattern!

                I should post some pics of my furballs. You would never know now that Gizmo was only 12 oz when we found him, he is nearly 3 lbs now & it has only been about a month.



                  Awe! I love classic tabbies and you don’t find them that often as strays.

                  I’m so happy he is healthy and has a forever home with you!


                    Good on ya skeeter! He’s a right beauty. I get a kick out of the image of your hubby bathing and grooming such a teeny tiny! Makes me smile everytime




                    SO CUTE! Good for you, rescuing him, he’ll certainly appreciate the new home!

                    My mother rescued a little tortie girl off the side of the highway a month ago or so, and gave her to my brother… she’s got this adorable bright orange nose, and follows my brother around everywhere. 🙂


                      A few months ago I stray cat who was nothing but skin and bones came meowing at our door. We let her in and she chowed down on my chiweenie dog’s food and then she wanted back out. She’d come by every day or two, meowing to come in, eating and then ready to go back out. I live in an apartment complex and seems she would make the rounds (or at least try to!). I knew she had kittens somewhere since her nipples were full of milk, but we never saw where she went after she left our place. Then a few weeks later she came meowing later than usual and when I let her in she had 2 kittens with her! She came right in and laid down in the living room (which she’d never done before) and started grooming them. Half an hour later she asked to go out so I let her, but not the kittens, out. She came back a little later with a third kitten! I had to put them outside before bed since we didn’t have a litter box, but next morning she was back, and now there were four kittens! Tabitha is still with us and getting fatter all the time (wondering if she’s preggers again) and we gave away all but one kitten. Seems nobody wants black cats, so Mallory is still with us, to stay. We’re all happy that Tabitha decided to trust us with her babies and just love watching mom and daughter play together! 🙂


                      TabithaAnd now!



                        I love black cats . Good that you kept the little darling . I’ve had 2 black cats and they are like any other cat . So sweet the mother trusted you .


                        Kitty overload!!!! You don’t want black kitties to go anywhere this close to Halloween anyway. people do bad things to them. That’s how I ended up w/ so many of them. Too dangerous to let them go, and then they were home.

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