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      Well, I was just surprised to see the private bidder thing and just wondered if it was a new eBay policy. A while back, there was someone on here that was quite upset with someone she felt was bidding up the items she was bidding on. I agree, if you can’t afford then don’t bid but I don’t see it worth my energy to ‘go after’ anyone because of being outbid, sniped etc. Again, you can’t read minds, but if you see a certain encoded ID number always following you and bidding up your items, then I would be suspicious as well. The private bidder would solve this–don’t know who’s on there. But yes, for those who snipe, and who hasn’t done it once or twice, you don’t know what you’re up against.

      First time I saw this and hadn’t see it before so I was wondering if eBay is changing the way they show bidders. It will be interesting to see.



        I wonder who that person was, with the “bidding up” complaint. I know that everything I bid on would be a welcome addition to my home, but there are items that I go after more aggressively than others. *coughgriffinscough* 😳 For the Poads, I had no idea it was you winning most of them, kitsunelady, but I’m glad they’ve gone to a forum member. It means we get to see pics like the one you posted in this thread! 😀

        Windstone collector in remission. 😉


          Sometimes I bid on something, thinking that if I get it for the low price I bid, I’d be happy, but fully expecting to be outbid. It’s not aggressive bidding, but it’s not bidding to just raise the price either – I would like the item. I wonder if other people do that too, and it’s getting misinterpretted as shill bidding.


          There is “bidding up” which is something one may do to be mean, or there is “shill bidding”, in a live auction, one may have somebody that they “know” in the audience bidding up items to make the final price high. On Ebay, cases of “shill bidding” discovered, was for example, as seller listed some sports cards, I believe, and then started bidding against somebody on his own auction under another user id. Somebody got suspicious, since the location of the user id’s was the same, and both user id’s sold sports cards, I think. An investigation was done, and it was true. He claimed he was afraid of not getting a profit, so he “had” to do it–unfortunately, he was a power-seller, so he got not much more than a slap on the wrist, a 2 week suspension, and back in business again! 👿


          There was also a case of somebody who was “competion” for a seller that had perfect FB, so he was buying multiple times from this seller, and leaving positive FB, but giving low DSR’s to kill his overall FB score. The seller could not understand why his FB was taking a nosedive, he seemed to have happy customers, and repeat business, until Ebay investigated and smelled a rat with the one repeat buyer. They linked up that account, found out it was his competitor, and in that case, all FB was removed, and that Competing Seller was permanently removed from Ebay. 😀


            People can be really rotten! 😡 I never search by “Best Match”. The star rating system is very subjective, imo. For example, I’m satisfied with a seller emailing me one time, telling me my item has shipped, but I know others would prefer more communication. It has to be very hard for sellers to try to please everybody. Add to that, people playing nasty tricks. 👿


            49ER wrote:

            There was also a case of somebody who was “competion” for a seller that had perfect FB, so he was buying multiple times from this seller, and leaving positive FB, but giving low DSR’s to kill his overall FB score. The seller could not understand why his FB was taking a nosedive, he seemed to have happy customers, and repeat business, until Ebay investigated and smelled a rat with the one repeat buyer. They linked up that account, found out it was his competitor, and in that case, all FB was removed, and that Competing Seller was permanently removed from Ebay. 😀

            Yikes, that’s low! I’m glad that jerk got booted! 🙄




            detailed seller ratings…


            Thank you! People can be so dirty.

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