OOAK The Last Unicorn Sculpture on eBay

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      skigod377 wrote:

      No offense guys but that is a dong, plain and simple. The artist has a perverted sense of humor.

      😆 😆 😆 😆


        OMG! I just found this post! I didn’t realize that the dvds were censored! 😯 I bought my dvd in 2004 when it first came out and I bought the 25th Anniversary dvd, but I honestly haven’t had a chance to watch either. I still have my vhs that I taped off the tv back when I was like 7 😀 (complete with commercials for things like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle video game!). I’ll have to watch it again and compare the two!

        I had won posters twice off of ebay from overseas when I was in college, including an original movie poster from Germany, but neither arrived 😥 I gave up after the second one never arrived. I do have the soundtrack from Germany though. It’s Das Letzte Einhorn in German. One of the tracks, Rat Soup, is actually mismarked as Red Soup.

        Still waiting for Flight of Dragons to come out on DVD someday 😕


          siberakh1 wrote:

          OMG! I just found this post! I didn’t realize that the dvds were censored! 😯 I bought my dvd in 2004 when it first came out and I bought the 25th Anniversary dvd, but I honestly haven’t had a chance to watch either. I still have my vhs that I taped off the tv back when I was like 7 😀 (complete with commercials for things like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle video game!). I’ll have to watch it again and compare the two!

          Depending on when you got your DVD in 2004 you might have gotten one that isn’t censored. I have one of the very first ones (my friend who was taking preorders for it snagged me one) and it isn’t. If you got it later in the year it might not be.


          skigod377 wrote:

          No offense guys but that is a dong, plain and simple. The artist has a perverted sense of humor.

          That is what I also originally thought :X


          pegasi1978 wrote:

          Well I just heard back from Connor Cochran (Peter S. Beagle’s agent and here’s what he had to say:


          I really appreciate you letting me know about this.

          Peter’s position on fan art (and the selling of same) is that it is fine by him, so long as we’re talking about individual pieces like this. Once multiple copies are being made, of course, that crosses the line into actual commercial enterprise and copyright infringement. Though of course in the case of anything based on the movie, it isn’t Peter’s copyright being violated, because he doesn’t own the film.

          I went ahead and contacted the artist, because the work is actually pretty good. If it doesn’t sell in auction, we may be interested in buying it for Peter’s archives; and if we ever do get the rights back, as we are trying to, it doesn’t hurt to know where to find talented sculptors who love THE LAST UNICORN. Maybe someday this (or things like it) will be available commercially after all!


          p.s. Thanks again, and I really do mean that. I can’t possibly keep my eyes on everything that is happening out there, and I rely on fans like you to send me these tips when you spot a reason to do so.

          I think that’s a really cool attitude ^_^


            I actually own this movie on VHS and the predecessor to laser disc. I do have a newer copy but I don’t remember when I bought it. I’ll have to be sure to hang on to my VHS copy.

            Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
            Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
            Sun Dragon Koi #3


              I found the opening song today, turns out it was under kenny loggins. 😀 Love that song.


                Kenny Loggins did a remix of it for his “Return to Pooh Corner” album. The original artists were America, but the only way to get the soundtrack legally is to import it from…guess where…Germany. Das Letzte Einhorn


                  This artist is really good. Did you see the thanksgiving day table centerpiece she sold? I love how the fairy has freckles and she even put eyelashes on him…..


                    sunhawk wrote:

                    pegasi1978 wrote:

                    Well I just heard back from Connor Cochran (Peter S. Beagle’s agent and here’s what he had to say:


                    I really appreciate you letting me know about this.

                    Peter’s position on fan art (and the selling of same) is that it is fine by him, so long as we’re talking about individual pieces like this. Once multiple copies are being made, of course, that crosses the line into actual commercial enterprise and copyright infringement. Though of course in the case of anything based on the movie, it isn’t Peter’s copyright being violated, because he doesn’t own the film.

                    I went ahead and contacted the artist, because the work is actually pretty good. If it doesn’t sell in auction, we may be interested in buying it for Peter’s archives; and if we ever do get the rights back, as we are trying to, it doesn’t hurt to know where to find talented sculptors who love THE LAST UNICORN. Maybe someday this (or things like it) will be available commercially after all!


                    p.s. Thanks again, and I really do mean that. I can’t possibly keep my eyes on everything that is happening out there, and I rely on fans like you to send me these tips when you spot a reason to do so.

                    I think that’s a really cool attitude ^_^

                    That is so cool!! 😀 What a lucky artist! I would have been tickled pink if that were me.
                    I’m kind of sad to have missed that auction, though. I LOVE that movie! and I love Shmendrick ^_^ The second sculpture they did was pretty cool, too…the butterfly was spot on, though the unicorn looked a little funky around the neck…not that the animated unicorn didn’t look pretty funky most of the time.

                    "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                    -J R R Tolkien

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