
One of those type of days…

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    I thought some of you might get a kick out of this…
    Today, I decided not to forego the cleaning and paint…WIsh I woulda painted :roll:…No, instead I load up the washer, and get it all soapy, put in the clothes that I had to go find (scattered around the entire house. I really miss having a small apartment rather than a 2 story monstrosity!)….

    Ok, now here’s the clincher…I went outside to get my mother in law tounge, or snake plant whichever you prefer, before the rain hit. Rinse the spidies off it and their webs, bring it in, dripping wet and set it in the laundry room sink to drain….right where the damn washer drains into. SO needless to say, I get a crappy call this morning, cry for a good solid 15 minutes after I get off the phone, ( I found out I owe $18,753.44 for the accident I was in, and that is just for their car!) (Got the plant earlier in the day. FYI) go load up the washer get it going and then forget about the plant. (Have you figured out where this is going yet? :lol:) I go to the kitchen and load the sink, come to the livingroom, and sit for a minute and gather my scattered brain to think. I then decide I want to go potty, and head back to the laundry. And I come back to Lake Michigan in my laundry room!!! O.O I let out a very loud F bomb and went ripping my socks off and wading in to shut down the machine so it can’t make the lake any bigger. Thank God that the kitchen floor sits about 1/2 inch higher than the laundry room! Poor Megan (Scott’s dog) is sitting in about 3/8 of an inch of water looking like she did it, and I’m cussing like a sailor and running for towels. Trip over 3 out of 6 cats on my way through the big 15 ft to the towels, then spend precious seconds deciding what towels to use, all the while dancing back and forth on my wet feet. Beach towels, they are bigger. LOL (Plus my bath towels are really nice. I hate scratchy towels!)

    So, here I am mopping up with 3 beach towels, wringing them out the back door in the rain. My poor beautiful plant is soap logged. πŸ™ I managed after 45 minures to “mop” up the main part of the mess, and get things sorta dried out. So, the way I see it, the day can’t get any worse. LOL But, the upside…I don’t have to clean that floor again for a few days! *laughs*

    Moral of the story…If you wanna paint and can, do it!
    πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
    Everything is drying nicely, and I haven’t electrocuted myself yet, so The day must be getting better! 😯



      OY! Here’s some sunshine….I think you could use it! πŸ˜‰


      LOL Thanks Lamorte! Although as I sat there typing it all out, I was laughing pretty good. I guess you just can’t keep a rampant sense of humor down! 😈


      I’m glad you’re like me and can always find the good side of things πŸ˜€

      I’m glad you didn’t get hurt. Your feet are clean, though…

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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      And so is the dog’s butt, the floor and the bottom of my dryer! πŸ˜€


        I had to laugh at Megan sitting there looking guilty. I bet she wondered how she had managed to make such a puddle. πŸ˜†


        I felt so bad, she kept trying to find a dry spot, and there jsut wasn’t any! 😯


        Sorry to hear about that horrible debt from the accident πŸ˜₯ …but the rest is rather priceless. Those pets do always wind up underfoot when one is in a hurry! πŸ˜†


        Wow! Other than the call about oweing money for the accident it seems like the *flood* was the most exciting thing that happened today. Adaneth is right, it is priceless cuz atleast you can laugh about it.


          Sorry about your mess. I sure wish I could talk to you right now.


          I’m always on msn even if says that I am away…I just keep the volume up so I can here the msgs drop in. πŸ˜‰ I am currently still trying to clean, and it will probably be another 4 or 5 months before I drown the laundry room again! (And pay off that stupid car I never got to drive! πŸ˜› )
          I am just glad I can still have a sense of humor! πŸ˜€

          P.S. I am on my second load of laundry now! hahaha πŸ˜†


          I can empathize. πŸ™‚

          Some days, I can’t believe I was stupid enough to actually get out of bed. πŸ™„

          Glad to see your humour is still with you. Without a doubt, it helps to be able to laugh in the face of stupidity and random acts of Murphy. πŸ˜‰

          ~Hoofer 😎


          I just keep seeing Megan sitting there butt soaked and looking like the biggest naughtiest dog ever. I get to giggling, even though it sounds cruel to laugh at her. 😯 πŸ˜†
          What can I say? Better to laugh than cry. πŸ˜‰

          (Ofcourse when the lady asked me for the 3rd time if I could pay her, I said to her I would jsut go out back to my money tree and pick it for her. I was so frustrated that she didn’t seem to realize if I had the money I would give it to her that it jsut popped out. 😳 And she actually chuckled. 😯 )


          Wow Windstonecollecter
          Between the two of us we could have really clean floors!
          Last week I decided to defrost my horribly frost heavy upright freezer. Turned it off and left the door open. Left to get old towels for the bottom an floor-answered the phone-got lunch-went outside for awhile.
          Went to empty the dryer and stepped into the pond πŸ™„ πŸ˜†
          Did the tripping over the cats while running to get towels etc… and boy was it cold πŸ˜†

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