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    Hey, SPark, I assure you I wasn-t offended. I really like your outspokenness, honest.


      Heh. At least somebody does!


      Yeah. So there wasn-t much reason the deleting of the comments… Oh well. The sentiments were stated.


        Indeed. Thank you for understanding.


        Thank you for being honest and outspoken – and reliably so. 😀


          Heh. I have the urge to say “Well thank you for appreciating me” This is like those cartoon. “No, you first.” “No, after you, I insist.”

          Man, topics drift so much here, even serious ones.


          Shall I repeat that offensive is not the same as honesty? At least not in my book. Besides, we gave our sentiments on the serious stuff. This thread is just one of the 95 percent that get hijacked on this forum.


            This topic was edited to prevent any sort of blow up, there was the potential.

            Nobody is in trouble! 🙂


            I think we-re being baby-sat.


            lol…and I was sitting here scratching my head on why it said edited. I thought GB edited it, but then it didn’t say anything under her signature.


            😆 😆 😆 I only edit grammatical mistakes. I-ll stand to my views of life and the universe.



              KDM4me, I’m so sorry to hear of this person’s decision and have much symphathy for his family. I’ve had several relatives commit suicide and I felt the amount of turmoil and self blame it causes. I wish his family the best.


                Lokie wrote:

                Ah, ok, well, I went to give my condolences and see you have made this thread about yourselves.

                It’s a conversation. They drift. Perhaps we should have started a new thread to discuss it, but I think that if we did that, we’d have about fifty times the threads we have in this forum. We can only discuss grief for so long, really, before one runs out of consoling phrases and wishes to move on with life.


                  SPark wrote:

                  Lokie wrote:

                  Ah, ok, well, I went to give my condolences and see you have made this thread about yourselves.

                  It’s a conversation. They drift. Perhaps we should have started a new thread to discuss it, but I think that if we did that, we’d have about fifty times the threads we have in this forum. We can only discuss grief for so long, really, before one runs out of consoling phrases and wishes to move on with life.

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