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    Today as I was leaving for school I got a call saying that our school would be closed due to an emergency! Later My best friend Kimmy told me that a senior (12 th grade) Committed suicide at the school! the Kid was an honor student and had a pretty good life!, so we are all confused and sad! and wondering why he decided to end his life! Our school is completely blocked off by police! This is so sad! 🙁



    That is just AWFUL!!! I’m so sorry for your school’s loss and that of the boy’s family 🙁


      My prayers are with the family. It just goes to show you that even though it may appear that someone has it all, sometimes to them in their minds eye they don’t. Rest In Peace.


      I am so sorry – that is just awful. My heart bleeds for his family and friends. I hope the school gets some good counselors in – loosing someone to suicide is very hard to handle. I lost a close family member to suicide years ago and over and above the grief is the guilt and anger, yes, anger. What did I miss? What could I have done differently? Did I say something that pushed him over? and WHY DID HE DO THIS? What I learned is that people who commit suicide are so inward focused they really don’t see anyone else. It’s like they are in a dark tunnel and can’t see any light or any chance that things will get better. So, please, if the school offers counseling (they should – I think it is pretty standard) talk to someone, even if you didn’t know the person well.


        I don’t know that I can find the words to express my sorrow, but I feel that loss, if that makes any sense…..I send my prayers and blessings.


          Im very sorry to hear that. I will send a prayer for their poor family and friends. Its so sad to see young people end a life before it even begins. Suicide is a permanent end to a temporary problem 🙁


          That is really sad. There was another case like this a couple of weeks ago in my area, where a doctoral student in electrical engineering at Stanford apparently committed suicide. These things seem so inexplicable a lot of the time….


          One of my coworkers who was a good friend in college jumped off of an overpass on interstate 95 in front of a trucker. We were dumbfounded. It was horrible.
          I feel for anyone in his life.
          I always heard that suicide was a perminate solution to a temporary problem.


            That is so sad. My thoughts and prayers go out to any one who will be touched by this tradgedy!


            That-s horrible, KDM. I am praying for his family, and that no one I know ever resorts to such an act.

            *Edited for content, no worries, just trying to keep things mellow.*


            That is really sad..I hope his family will get over it quickly. I think sometimes people have a lot of material things so other ppl think everything is going good, but inside they have a lot of stress and not a lot of self confidence or many other reasons. I knew someone who tried to commit sucide (didn’t know them when they did it tho) because his ex-gf took away his daughter and he didn’t have a way of seeing her.

            On a lighter note…at least you didn’t have to go to school (unless you like it).



              I wasn’t trying to cause any drama or argument. I just wanted to express my opinion. I had a friend in high school who committed suicide. It was pretty awful for everybody. It’s never a good choice, of course not. But I can kind of understand why some people just feel they can’t go on.


              Hm, a mod-s been through here. I don-t think anybody was getting hot-blooded, were they?


                No, I wasn’t upset or hot blooded at all. I just felt a little uncomfortable with how you’d phrased that, and thought I should express my opinion. I was trying to be polite about it.

                Now I’m a little… shocked, really. Was what I said really that bad? If somebody had PMd me, I’d have gone back and edited it, no problem.

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